缶组字:滛(淫)摇遥謡(谣)鰩颻(飖)徭瑶繇 媱窑愮暚榣熎,更多体现的是制作陶器的艰辛Fou first group of characters series



Fou. The word "Fou" in oracle bone inscriptions is the pictograph of clay ware.

滛(淫):氵(水)+爫(手)+缶。Excessive:water+爫(手)+缶:hand+a crock with a narrow opening,下同。 similarly hereinafter


Prostitution, flat water for the water; The first point is that when making pottery by hand, in order to make it convenient, it is generally necessary to dip some water on the green of the pottery, to facilitate the hands to better pinch the fresh clay in order to make the pottery they need. This kind of water on the clay is also the excess water after making the ceramic billet, which is rich in mud and greasy.

淫,也指多余的水,引申以后,淫有过多、过剩的意思;也引申为男女之间的 通奸,也就是“淫乱”。

Adultery also refers to excess water, which, after extension, has the meaning of excess, and adultery between men and women, that is, adultery.


The phrases composed of harlot words are: obscenity, harlotry, obscenity, profanity, adultery, lewdness, adultery, obscenity, etc.




In the process of making pottery, the hands of the Potter keep shaking along with the movement of the ceramic billet, and at the same time, the hands should control the shaping of the ceramic billet, which gives the impression that the hands of the Potter are constantly moving up and down, flipping over.

 "shake" the original meaning: swing.

《管子·心术》:“摇者不定”。Pipetology: "the shaker is uncertain".


The phrases are swaying, rocking, cradle, shaking, swaying, dangling, rocking, swaying, etc.



In ancient times, pottery workshops were generally far away from residents. Because pottery need clean and special clay, such as kaolin, need a relatively large open space for making, Chen Fang pottery, also need to burn pottery green cave, there is enough wood fuel to burn pottery; Then there is the need for a large number of Potter workers, as well as adequate housing, or temporary sheds, and enough water to mix clay to make pottery.


In order to satisfy the above conditions, we need to choose a place far away from the inhabitant, with water, trees, clay, open land. In order to meet the above conditions, generally must be far from the residents living in order to achieve. This is the origin of remote characters.


The original meaning of "remote": far away. After extension, there is a long meaning.


The phrases composed of remote words are: distant, remote, Lu Yao, remote sensing, remote control and so on.



Generally refers to folk ballads, folk songs mainly take the form of male and female singing, or the form of duet, but also in the crowd, this part of the people to sing. Collective labor is the origin of folk songs. In order to coordinate the movements of many workers, it is necessary to call out a consistent labor horn, which gradually becomes a folk song.


The original meaning of the word "ballad" is: a buzzer, or a folk song.


In labor, laborer's horn, or folk song, to coordinate action, to make the laborer feel joyful and joyful, to alleviate the sleepiness brought by labor. Folk songs are folk songs, or songs sung among ordinary people.


Another meaning of "ballad" is: "rumor".


Because pottery is made out of clay by hand, and the "rumour" of rumor is a false fact made up by the mouth of human beings, not the original appearance of things.


"Han poetry chapter sentence": there is a chapter sentence said song, there is no chapter song said rhyme.


The poem Wei Feng Yuan has the peach: the heart is worried, I sing and ballad.


In China, the distinction between "song" and "ballad" is not strict. "I sing and ballad" is to confuse the two, but does not affect their own entertainment.


The phrases composed of ballad characters are: ballads, nursery rhymes, rumors, etc.


用手制作陶器的时候,要借助一种制陶工具。这种工具上下各有二个平台,二个平台之间用 木板或者金属相互连接起来,下层的平台能够借助一种锁链或者皮带,用脚踏能够转动起来,上面的平台主要是放置和好新鲜的陶土,陶工用手在旋转著的陶土上的拿捏成各种形状的圆形陶器。陶器在制作过程中,陶土在平面状态下由于陶工在旋转中的拿捏,呈螺旋型上升的状态,逐渐形成即美观又实用的陶器坯子。

When making pottery by hand, use a pottery tool. There are two platforms on each side of the tool, and the two platforms are connected by boards or metal, and the lower platform can be rotated with a chain or a belt, with a pedal. Above the platform is mainly placed and fresh clay, pottery hands on the rotating clay into various shapes of circular pottery. In the process of making pottery, ceramic clay in plane state, due to the potters in the rotation of the pinch, a spiral rising state, gradually formed both beautiful and practical pottery billet.


In the process of making pottery, due to the rotation of platform and the holding of clay by the Potter, the ceramic billet in the process of making presents a feeling of flying up and down. When the Harrier flies, and the rays swim, its motion features flip up and down, which is similar to the feeling of the billet flipping up and down when making pottery billets. It is the swimming of the fish and the flipping of the eagle, which are called "rays" (fish) and karries (hawks), respectively.

鳐鱼 [skate],鱼类的一科,身体扁平,胸鳍高度发达使鱼体略呈圆形或呈菱形,有的种类有一对能发电的器官,生活在海洋中。肉可食,肝可制鱼肝油,皮可制砂皮和皮革。鳐的种类细分有:灰鳐、猬鳐和棘背鳐等。

"skate, a family of fishes having flat bodies and highly developed pectoral fins that make the body slightly round or rhomboid, and some species have a pair of organs capable of generating electricity, living in the ocean." Meat can be eaten, liver can be made of cod liver oil, skin can be made of sand skin and leather. The species of rays are broken down into gray rays, hedgehog rays and skates.



Potter in making Fou, hands touch Fou with water to make a variety of actions, make out a complete Fou for firing into pottery. At the time of manufacture, the processed embryo is gradually formed on the turntable as the Potter holds it. The hands of the Potter also move with the wind as the workpiece rotates on the turntable.


The wind flutters slowly, and the wind moves the branches and leaves.

compulsory labor service:彳(道路)road+爫(手)+缶。


The word means the road, but also the people who walk on the road. Li (hand) + Fou, refers to the hand-made Fou, that is, pottery. In order to make good pottery, there is a division of labor: excavators, billets, basks, kilns, wood harvested for pottery, water for water, and security. Because pottery factories are often far away from the mountains and forests where people lived and wild animals haunt the ancient times, making pottery is also a hard and dangerous job, and the pottery workers have to bear the brunt of the beasts in the pottery industry. And the threat of natural disasters.


Similar to the pottery projects, there are also the construction and maintenance of the Great Wall, new large-scale projects, and so on, so that a number of corvee people in the country back and forth on the way. The corvee was able to go home at the end of the period; a group of servants were on their way.


Tax the original meaning of the word: walk in the road, by the government to seize to serve corvee people.

瑶 precious jade :玉jade爫(手)+缶。


Jade is a precious thing. Yao jade as expected, as if according to the wishes of the people made out, satisfactory jade.


Yao word meaning: refers to beautiful jade, and metaphor beautiful, precious, bright white and so on.

繇yao-爫(手)+缶+系 tie



In ancient times, when keeping taxes and corvee, the work was very hard and very difficult. In order to agree to the action in the project, and also to stimulate the enthusiasm of the work and express the indignation, you need to lead us to sing together, which is the ballad that the tax worker sings.


女子动作如同用手制作陶器坯时, 陶器坯上下翻飞的样子。也指女子曲肩行的样子。嬉戏,玩乐,美好的意思。一般窑场不容许女子干活,因为活较重;加上,古时候,制陶工有迷信,认为女子制陶不吉利,这样,女子一般不到窑场。但是,女子可以在家里自己拿捏陶土玩耍。

A woman acts as if she were making pottery billets by hand and flipping them up and down. It also refers to the way a woman acts on her shoulders. Play, and be nice. In general, women are not allowed to work in kilns because of their heavy lives. In addition, in ancient times, pottery makers had superstitions that it was unlucky for women to make pottery. In this way, women generally did not live in kilns. But women can play with clay at home.


The original meaning of "Li": play with the girl who made pottery with clay.

窑:穴+缶。Kiln: cave + Fou.


A cave in which clay utensils (pottery), such as pots, etc are fired. In this kind of cave, the pottery billet can be placed orderly along the slope with a certain slope, and the firewood can be properly placed for the purpose of firing the pottery. This burn-out cave is commonly referred to as a kiln.



Imagine that one's heart is difficult to calm down, as in making clay utensils, and as the pieces fly up and down, the taste is indeed varied.


Therefore, the meaning: worry, fear, confusion, evil and so on.



The kiln worker works in the sun, and, in general, the kiln worker must have the sun when he works, because the main work is difficult on rainy days when making and drying pottery billets. Rain Water will pour out the pottery.


The original meaning of "Li": daylight, bright.



The trees swayed back and forth like pottery.


陶器在窑里烧制,当快到烧制火候的时候,也就是柴火烧制陶坯已经到位的时候那样。炉窑里柴火的火光在正常燃烧的时候是封闭起来,只有少量监控窑火燃烧的小孔能够看到炉火燃烧的样子。而一旦把窑火的炉门 打开,那时也就是窑炉的燃烧过程已经基本结束,这是看见的窑炉的炉火已经是上下摇摆,飘飘忽忽,表现柴火就要烧尽,窑火也就要灭的样子。同时,也意味着这炉窑的陶器烧制成功,该将熄火后的陶器移出炉窑了。

Pottery is fired in the kiln. When the firing is near, that is, when the firewood is in place, the fire of firewood in the kiln wobbles up and down, fluttering and flapping, indicating that the firewood is about to burn and the kiln fire is about to be extinguished. At the same time, it also means that the kiln's pottery fired successfully, it is time to remove the flameout pottery from the kiln.


The original meaning of "Li" is: embers. The fire was extinguished.
