CMB国际评委、德国蒸馏大师Klaus:跟中国白酒专家学习知识非常有意思 酱香酒口感浓醇柔和

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文 |凤凰网酒业 翟庭俞 李予琪

“非常喜欢其中的酱香味和泥土蘑菇味,还有一些菠萝等水果味,跟欧洲的酒完全不同。” CMB国际评委、德国蒸馏大师Klaus在接受凤凰网酒业的专访时感叹道。他表示,在白酒大师班中跟中国白酒专家学习知识非常有意思,酱香白酒的口感非常浓醇柔和。


Klaus Wurm: Hi, I'm Klaus and I'm from Germany and I'm the owner of a distillery and I produce most of the time whiskey.



Gains in Competition

Host (ZHAI TINGYU): What interesting things have happened during the interaction with Chinese spirits judges?


KLAUS: The most interesting thing is the transfer of knowledge because we get trainings and master classes about Baijiu and the different styles of Baijiu. But if we have the glasses, the samples to judge about, then we have to talk with the Chinese experts and we get a lot of knowledge so that was very good.



How Does Baijiu Feel?

Host (ZHAI TINGYU): How does Baijiu feel before, during and after drinking?


KLAUS: I like the smell of the sauce aroma and earthy mushroom notes. So this is very interesting to smell, some fruity notes like pineapple. And it's completely different to what we drink in Europe normally. And when I get the taste to figure out also the same mushroom notes, saucy notes, how is the game between fruit. It is very interesting to feel the smooth and soft taste of the strong alcohol of Baijiu. So it's gently to drink.

