AAAI 2020 投稿已经过万,有小伙伴说29号投的时候才三千多,没想到31号就过万了,由此可见本次 AAAI 20220 竞争力非常激烈了。
以下是由AI研习社整理的1996-2019年 AAAI 历年最佳论文,感兴趣的同学可以看看,供大家学习!
我们已经准备好了 AAAI 小组,给大家第一时间传递最新有关 AAAI 2020的消息:
2019 | How to Combine Tree-Search Methods in ReinforcementLearning | Yonathan Efroni, Gal Dalal, Bruno Scherrer, Shie Mannor |
2018 | Memory-Augmented Monte Carlo Tree Search | Chenjun Xiao, University of Alberta; et al. |
2017 | Label-Free Supervision of Neural Networks with Physics and Domain Knowledge | Russell Stewart & Stefano Ermon, Stanford University |
2016 | Bidirectional Search That Is Guaranteed to Meet in the Middle | Robert C. Holte, University of Alberta; et al. |
2015 | From Non-Negative to General Operator Cost Partitioning | Florian Pommerening, University of Basel; et al. |
2014 | Recovering from Selection Bias in Causal and Statistical Inference | Elias Bareinboim, University of California Los Angeles; et al. |
2013 | HC-Search: Learning Heuristics and Cost Functions for Structured Prediction | Janardhan Rao Doppa, Oregon State University; et al. |
SMILe: Shuffled Multiple-Instance Learning | Gary Doran & Soumya Ray, Case Western Reserve University | |
2012 | Learning SVM Classifiers with Indefinite Kernels | Suicheng Gu & Yuhong Guo, Temple University |
Document Summarization Based on Data Reconstruction | Zhanying He, Zhejiang University; et al. | |
2011 | Dynamic Resource Allocation in Conservation Planning | Daniel Golovin, California Institute of Technology; et al. |
Complexity of and Algorithms for Borda Manipulation | Jessica Davies, University of Toronto; et al. | |
2010 | How Incomplete Is Your Semantic Web Reasoner? Systematic Analysis of the Completeness of Query Ans... | Giorgos Stoilos, Oxford University; et al. |
A Novel Transition Based Encoding Scheme for Planning as Satisfiability | Ruoyun Huang, Washington University in St. Louis; et al. | |
2008 | How Good is Almost Perfect? | Malte Helmert & Gabriele Röger, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Optimal False-Name-Proof Voting Rules with Costly Voting | Liad Wagman & Vincent Conitzer, Duke University | |
2007 | PLOW: A Collaborative Task Learning Agent | James Allen, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition; et al. |
Thresholded Rewards: Acting Optimally in Timed, Zero-Sum Games | Colin McMillen & Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University | |
2006 | Model Counting: A New Strategy for Obtaining Good Bounds | Carla P. Gomes, Cornell University; et al. |
Towards an Axiom System for Default Logic | Gerhard Lakemeyer, RWTH Aachen UniversityHector J. Levesque, University of Toronto | |
2005 | The Max K- Armed Bandit: A New Model of Exploration Applied to Search Heuristic Selection | Vincent A. Cicirello, Drexel UniversityStephen F. Smith, Carnegie Mellon University |
2004 | Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines | Lin Liao, University of Washington; et al. |
2002 | On Computing All Abductive Explanations | Thomas Eiter, Technische Universität WienKazuhisa Makino, Osaka University |
2000 | The Game of Hex: An Automatic Theorem-Proving Approach to Game Programming | Vadim V. Anshelevich, Vanshel Consulting |
1999 | PROVERB: The Probabilistic Cruciverbalist | Greg A. Keim, Duke University; et al. |
1998 | Learning Evaluation Functions for Global Optimization and Boolean Satisfiability | Justin A. Boyan & Andrew W. Moore, Carnegie Mellon University |
Acceleration Methods for Numeric CSPs | Yahia Lebbah & Olivier Lhomme, Ecole des Mines de Nantes | |
The Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot | Wolfram Burgard, University of Bonn; et al. | |
1997 | Statistical Parsing with a Context-Free Grammar and Word Statistics | Eugene Charniak, Brown University |
A Practical Algorithm for Finding Optimal Triangulations | Krill Shoikhet & Dan Geiger, Technion | |
Fast Context Switching in Real-Time Propositional Reasoning | P. Pandurang Nayak & Brian C. Williams, NASA Ames Research Center | |
Building Concept Representations from Reusable Components | Peter Clark, BoeingBruce Porter, University of Texas at Austin | |
1996 | Verification of Knowledge Bases Based on Containment Checking | Alon Y. Levy, AT&T LaboratoriesMarie-Christine Rousset, Université Paris-Sud |
A Novel Application of Theory Refinement to Student Modeling | Paul T. Baffes, SciCompRaymond J. Mooney, University of Texas at Austin | |
Pushing the Envelope: Planning, Propositional Logic, and Stochastic Search | Henry Kautz & Bart Selman, AT&T Laboratories |