COTTM2025推出“目的地资源专区 DMC Pavilion”,将汇聚全球多个国家的旅游资源商

作为中国唯一专注于出境游和B2B的专业展会,中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)在过去的19 年里已连续成功举办17届大型展会及3届行业峰会,一路伴随和见证中国出境旅游的繁荣和 发展,已成为全球旅游目的地国家/地区以及资源供应商和服务商在中国市场寻求合作伙伴、 推广其产品和服务的首选展会平台。

he China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market (COTTM) has been the leading outbound travel platform for the past 19 years successfully organising 17 editions of the trade show and 3 Summits and is universally acknowledged as the most professional fair in China. COTTM is the event of choice for organisations and countries wanting to develop their business in the Chinese outbound market. Over 450 exhibitors from 70 destinations including overseas national tourism boards, embassies and destination resource suppliers participate at COTTM and we welcome a visitor audience of over 5,000 outbound tour operators from all over China.


Over 450 exhibitors from 70 destinations including overseas national tourism boards, embassies and destination resource suppliers participate at COTTM and we welcome a visitor audience of over 5,000 outbound tour operators from all over China.


COTTM2025 will be taking place in Beijing on 24-26 April, and the organiser will launch a dedicated pavilion, DMC Pavilion, to bring together overseas destination management companies (DMCs), hoteliers, inbound tour operators, and transportation providers etc. to showcase at COTTM2025。

