Liu Dongwen, an eminent figure in the national theoretical circle, is reported on the front page symposium of Guangming daily on June 17, 1994
Liu Dongwen's "Ancient Chinese characters of Magic Wisdom" has been published by the Central Party School Press
隹 short-tailed birds
In oracle bone, "Tzu" is the hieroglyphics of a short-tailed bird. The birds include a wide range of domesticated poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, which are artificially domesticated from pheasants, ducks and swans. Short-tailed birds also include hawks, falcons, sparrows, partridges, magpies, crows, Orioles, larks, parrots, etc. In China, most birds, except peacocks, belong to the category of short-tailed birds.
The short-tailed bird's mouth is sharp and tasteful. In Chinese characters, there is a good word and a considerable number of words related to the good word. This paper gives an explanation of the word "good" and the Chinese characters formed by the combination of "good" and "good".
“隹”字。short-tailed birds
《说文》:隹,鸟之短尾总名也。Shuo Wen:The short tail of a bird
《高级汉语词典》:象形。甲骨文字形,象鸟形。Advanced Chinese dictionary:
Shuo Wen:The total name of the short tail of a bird Homologous with "bird".short-tailed birds
Is a radical of Chinese characters, follow隹(short-tailed birds)Word related to poultry。The general name of a short-tailed bird.
集jí■(集合; 聚集) gather
集:隹+木。Set:隹 + wood
有的甲骨文是三只鸟(隹)同栖一棵树上就叫做“雧 ”。
Some oracle bones are three birds that live together in a tree called a "雧."
本文中采取“集”的甲骨文是一只隹在树上。The oracle bone inscription adopted in this paper is a 隹 one in a tree.
原来繁体字的“集”是三个隹站立在木(树木)上,The original "collection" of traditional characters is that three 隹of them stand on (trees).
After the abbreviation, it became a隹 standing on the wood, but the meaning of the two is the same.
It appears that a bird is standing on a tree, but it can actually be expressed as a group of birds standing on a tree. This is the meaning of a bird. It can be expressed as either a bird or a flock of birds, so the "set" of the shorthand is basically the same as the meaning expressed by the three birds standing on the tree.
The third is the number, which means there are many birds. The behavior of this bird gathering in trees also extends to people or animals or things, or a phenomenon. For example, the market is because everyone at some time to come to the market where trade activities. Another example is the "assembly" of troops in a certain place to prepare for battle or to go to war somewhere.
“集”字本义:群鸟聚会在树木上。(集合; 聚集) gather:The birds met on the trees
After extension, also refers to the crowd, animal or natural phenomenon, group phenomenon, called "collection", "collective", "group" and so on.
(集合; 聚集) gather。Shuo Wen:(集合; 聚集) gather,The birds were on the wood.
Advanced Chinese dictionary same Shuo Wen:The birds of the group are on the wood, too.
The phrases composed of the word "set" are:
The phrases composed of the word "set" are: collection section, skidding, gathering meal, integrated circuit, collection, gathering, aggregating, gathering, collecting, gathering, gathering, Centralized power, cluster, distribution center, fair, cluster grenade, brainstorming, collective concept, collective enterprise, collective household, collectivism, group army, collective training, collection of axils, collection of furs, stamp collecting, intensive, intensive transportation, Collect and transport timber, town, concentration, concentration camp, container, fund management school, collection, etc.
短尾巴的鸟(隹)只有一个嘴巴,这就是“唯”字的本义。鸟的嘴巴是比较好看的,很雅观。A bird with a short tail has only one mouth, which is what the word "only" means. The bird's mouth is more beautiful, very elegant.
Bird's beak is very beautiful, more elegant, more rigid, with a more perfect curve. So it can be said that the beak armour of a bird is very beautiful. The teeth of a bird are hard to see. What we often see is the mouth of a bird, but there is only one, no matter how beautiful, there can be no two. Of course, a man has only one mouth, there can be no two; an ox has only one mouth, and there can be no two. We don't have to cite all the examples. Every bird's mouth is unique. Many animals, when they are single animals, have certain organs, such as the head, that are unique. It is easy to agree with this.
Is this word the same as the word? The only word is that there is only one heart, only the word of the good only one mouth. Therefore, the two meanings are consistent.
“唯”字。 《高级汉语词典》:形声。从口,隹(zhuī)声。本义:急声回答声。《助字辨略》朱 注:唯者,应之速而无疑也。
The word "only". Advanced Chinese Dictionary: shape and Sound. From the mouth, the sound of (zhu). Zhu Note: the only answer is as soon as possible.
The phrases composed of the word "only" are: only here, only, idealistic, materialistic, idealistic, mercenary, exclusive of oneself, only awake, only pure, subtlety, vivid, only big, Only this great, submissive, etc.