During lunchtime on October 11th, Jake Tan from class 10 (4) delivered a lecture on the topic of “Friendship & Loneliness”.
Jake在演讲伊始谈及音乐剧 “Dear Evan Hansen” 中的歌曲 “You Will Be Found”让他颇有感触。初到上海时,在新加坡长大的他中文十分不流利,词汇也非常有限;而不幸的是他正巧与家人走散,年幼无助的他在超市里运用他仅有的中文词汇与工作人员沟通,最终成功找到了超市广播的所在地并与家人团聚,还结识了超市里素不相识的朋友。Jake说,就算是在一个陌生、不熟悉的地方,当你自己勇敢地付出努力,尽管没有成功,你也不会感到孤单。就像歌名 “You Will Be Found”,充满着希望,Jake也被 “found”了。
At the beginning of the speech, Jake referenced a song, “You Will Be Found,” from Dear Evan Hansen, a musical which he connects deeply. Growing up in Singapore, Jake’s Chinese was limited to only a few words. As a result, when he first arrived in Shanghai, he faced great difficulties to integrate himself into his new surroundings. Even worse was that on one occasion, he got lost when his family was at a supermarket. Fortunately, Jake was able to communicate with the staff and find the location of the PA system. From the very experience, Jake made new friends and consolidated his belief that even in an unfamiliar environment, one’s bravery will successfully combat loneliness. The lecture conveys the hope that Jake has for his audience, which is also summarized by the name of the song, “You Will Be Found.”
演讲最后,Jake跟大家分享了一句他一直坚信的格言“The world always says ‘Hi’ back.” 这个世界是美丽,也是善良的。现场座无虚席,气氛热烈。
At the end of Jake’s speech, he concluded, “The world always says hi back.” The world will always be beautiful and kind to everyone.
Chinese by: 陈丁嘉 Vicky Chen 10(8)
English by: 陈丁嘉 Vicky Chen 10(8)
Text edited by: 李谨妤 Dora Li 10(2)
Instructed by: 孙理明 Liming Sun