塔斯社安卡拉12月8日电、12月9日发布:土耳其总统埃尔多安表示,现在世界上只有两位真正的领导人,他们就是他本人和俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that there are only two real leaders in the world now and they are himself and Russian President Vladimir Putin)。
“现在,世界上只有两个[经验丰富的]领导人。他们是我和弗拉基米尔·普京。我这样说不是因为其中一个是我。但我上任22年了,几乎和普京先生一样长。其余的都不见了。我们希望我们的对话继续下去。使政治延续这很重要。例如,当(总理)安格拉·默克尔辞职时,德国的政治也就终结了,”他说("Now, there are only two [experienced] leaders in the world. They are myself and Vladimir Putin. I am not saying this because one of them is me. But I have been in office for 22 years, nearly as long as Mr. Putin. The rest are gone. And we want our dialogue to continue. It is important to continue politics. For instance, politics ended in Germany when [Chancellor] Angela Merkel resigned," he said)。
报道说,他还表示,他尊重德国前总理格哈特·施罗德(Gerhard Schroder)。”他对我们的尊重程度完全不同,他确实是一位好领导者。例如,在斋月(指穆斯林圣月斋月-塔斯社)的晚餐期间,他没有在我们的餐桌上喝啤酒。他表现出了尊重。我们与施罗德的对话一直持续到现在,他甚至定期访问土耳其”,土耳其领导人说。