原标题:市选 ¦ Rob McDowell:做励精图治的温哥华革新派
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她乡华闻 · HERLAND
罗伯·麦克道尔:我作为独立候选人参选有几个因素考量。在温哥华,我相信政治格局正在发生改变。市级的政党一直是一个奇怪的现象,似乎每隔几年总会见到被联邦和/或省政府“收编”的情况——比方说,往往是新民主党和自由党管理“伟景温哥华(Vision Vancouver)”,或保守党和自由党领导NPA的尴尬结合。
Question:Why you are running as independent, not for a party?
Rob McDowell:There are several factors. In Vancouver, I believe that the political landscape is changing. Parties at the civic level have always been a strange phenomena, seemingly “adopted” by federal and or provincial parties every few years – examples are often awkward coalitions of NDP and Liberals managing Vision Vancouver, or the Conservatives and Liberals leading the NPA. These coalitions can fracture, which happened recently - causing a breakdown in the usual political stability and the traditional order. Other factors include the proliferation of new civic parties, as well as campaign finance reform, which seems to work against parties. I ran with the NPA four years ago for council, and learned from that experience. I believe that it made sense for me to run this time as an Independent. Keep in mind that two of the three top polling candidates for mayor are running as Independents, which further supports the fact that people seem to be looking for candidates who are not necessarily beholden to the old party system and its constraints. I also believe that it is time for strong, independent voices at the Council table, who are not beholden to special interests and can act in the interests of all Vancouverites.
Question:You vote for city council, what’s your opinion of past developments in Vancouver?
Rob McDowell:I have worked as the NPA Caucus Liaison for the past seven years so I am very familiar with how City Hall works, having attended or watched most Council meetings for seven years. I have grown increasingly concerned with how ideological city hall has become. I believe that the staff at City Hall have also become increasingly politicized, which is not positive or beneficial for effective long term policy making. Currently, policies are often decided behind closed doors, rather than in a public forum, and this has led to a breakdown in trust by many members of the public. Transparency and trust must be restored by the next Council, and I am optimistic that it will be.
Question:What’s your political election platform?
Rob McDowell:Housing: I believe that it is very important to address affordability and how people can live and work in Vancouver, given the high costs of living, including housing. I think we need to ensure that young people and new entrants to the housing market at least can see some sort of “pathway” to home ownership. Many young people can not even imagine that now. We can provide hope by more effectively leveraging city owned land (the city is the largest land owner in Vancouver) for long term property leases for building types like co-ops and co-housing. We could also include expedited permit approvals, easements and other incentives. Purpose Built Rental housing also needs to be encouraged, in order to increase the rental vacancy rate, which is close to zero.
Transportation: We need to ensure that people in our city can get around efficiently and effectively. We must deal with congestion and also ensure that people have ready options to assist with this. Vancouver is the world leader in car-sharing, for example, and this should be further increased. We need to also introduce ride-sharing.
Arts and Culture: Art shows us the soul of our city, and we need to do a better job of championing the arts. Vancouver should provide a higher profile for its Asian cultures, and can also strengthen the showcasing of Indigenous art. We need to build a larger, new Art Gallery downtown. We are a world leader in dance and visual arts. Many commercial artistic sectors, including fashion and television production, could be leveraged more effectively to benefit the artistic community as a whole.
Question:If you elected, how you plan to improve Vancouver?
Rob McDowell:I would champion policies supporting new housing options, as outlined above, focussing on affordable home ownership. I will foster better transportation options, including car sharing and ride sharing. I would push for the establishment of the Art Gallery and more stable, long term funding for arts and cultural organizations. I would support prevention and treatment initiatives in the Downtown East Side.
罗伯·麦克道尔:我20世纪80年代后期在台湾学习普通话,并于90年代后期在中国(北京和广州)生活,我很熟悉中国侨民和温哥华之间的历史关系。在广州领事馆工作期间,我们赞助了一个名为“Beyond Gold Mountain”的展览,该展览在珠江三角洲及其周边的城市进行巡展,专注于卑诗省与中国南部之间的早期联系。
Question:What’s your idea on Chinese people Chinese community in Vancouver? Have they contributed to Vancouver? Please list in details to describe Chinese community contribution to Vancouver.
Rob McDowell:I studied mandarin in Taiwan in the late 1980’s, and lived in China (Beijing and Guangzhou) in the late 1990’s, and I am quire familiar with the historic relationship between the Chinese diaspora and Vancouver. As Consul in Guangzhou, we sponsored an exhibit called “Beyond Gold Mountain” which travelled to cities around the Pearl River Delta and focussed on the earlier ties between BC and southern China. When visiting those cities, I always appreciated the warm ties with people in Vancouver and in BC, extending back to before the establishment of our province. More recently, Chinese investment has had a tremendous impact on our city in providing technical expertise and financial resources for a variety of sectors. The rise of China as an international power can certainly benefit Vancouver if we take advantage of it more effectively. Of course, on a personal level, I have to mention that I am also very happy with the variety and quality of Chinese regional food choices we have here, which I don’t find in many other cities outside of China.
Question:What do you want to do to improve Vancouver’s real estate?
Rob McDowell:Nothing works as powerfully on the real estate sector as market forces, and I think we are seeing the start of a correction in pricing. At the city level, we are limited in how we can effect the market, but we can certainly make zoning and permitting changes to make housing more affordable over the longer term. I would work with the other levels of government to ensure our housing market is affordable and accessible to people who want to achieve home ownership. We also need to increase the level of purpose built rental housing, in order to address an urgent shortage of rental housing, and I would support efforts to achieve that as well.
Question:Your past experience. Your past experience in China.
Rob McDowell:I lived in Asia for 12 years, including Thailand, Vietnam and China. I was the General Manager of the Canada China Business Council in Beijing (and Shanghai), which worked to grow trade between China and Canada, and was also the Canadian Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner in Guangzhou, with responsibility for the provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Fujian. I am very familiar with China and have travelled throughout the country. Currently, I am an adjudicator and mediator for the province of BC.
Question:How do you think of economic and trade about Vancouver and China?
Rob McDowell:I think it needs to be improved. It has improved immensely over the past few decades, but we are falling behind our competitors like Australia. Canada is a trading nation, and Vancouver is Canada’s gateway to Asia – we need to be more aggressive in courting, and closing, deals with China. Canada needs to negotiate and finalize a free trade agreement with China, and this would further strengthen Vancouver’s role as Canada’s gateway city. At the city level, I would certainly champion any measures to help us reach that goal.
Rob McDowell
Vancouver City Council candidate (#55 on the ballot)
作者:Scarlett Qian
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