Story of “Subway Staff Sliding Across the Floor to Save a Passenger”Tops Trending List
祝琼晶在工作中 Zhu Qiongjing During Work
楚天都市报极目新闻首席记者 潘锡珩
Jimu News chief reporter:Pan Xiheng
翻译:尚绮,韩群,LisaM. K(湖北大学)
Translators:Shang Qi, Han Qun, LisaM. K (Hubei University)
At one subway station, a female passenger lost her balance while on an escalator and fell. A staff membernearby noticed thisaccidentand rushedoverto offer assistance. In the process, she fell twice but managedto press the emergency stop button, avoiding evengreater harm to the passenger. After this incident was first reported by Jimu News on February 27th, it became the second trending topic on Weibo on the morning of the 28th, attracting the attention of millions of netizens.
Falling Twice Before Pressing the Stop Button
On the noon of the 28th, the Jimu News reporter came to the scene of the incident, Wuhan Railway Station subway station, and met the staff member involved, Zhu Qiongjing. She joined Wuhan Metro in 2017 and has been working at the same station for nearly 7 years. Recalling the situation at the time, Zhu Qiongjing said she was on the other platform receiving and dispatching trains when she suddenly heard a loud noise behind her. With her rich experience, she immediately knew that someone must have fallen on the escalator. “At the time, I did not hesitate or stop for a second. I turned around and rushed to the escalator. If I couldstop the escalatorevena second earlier, I would be saving the victim from further harm,”Zhu Qiongjing said.
The Jimu News reporter,whileat the scene,noticed that Zhu Qiongjing needed to bypass a row of railingsto reach the escalator, and it was when she passed therailingsthat she fellseverelyfor the first time. “Maybe I panicked at the time. I had intendedto grab the railing for support and turn around quickly, but I didn't realize that my handwas still on the railing when my feet rushed forwardand I felldownreally bad. I was a bit dazed after the fall, and didn't know whathadhappened when I got up and fell again. Finally, I slid across the floor on my knees to the entrance of the escalator and pressed the stop button.”
In less than 5 seconds, the escalator stopped, and Zhu Qiongjing breathed a sigh of relief. Experiencing severe pain in her knees, she slowly stood up with the help of a passenger in blue clothes beside her.
At this time, another male colleague, Li Zhiguo, quickly stepped forward to help the fallen passenger.
Seeing that the passenger was not seriously injured, Zhu Qiongjing didnotthink much of it. It was not until later when the passenger in blue clothes posted about the incident on Xiaohongshu(a famous social e-commerce platform in China), did it garner the first wave of attention among netizens.
Millions of netizens arenowpaying attention to her
In the interview, Zhu Qiongjing told the Jimu News reporter that due to the special geographical location of the station, many passengerstransiting through the stationare often carrying large luggage such as suitcases. It is not uncommon for passengers or luggage to fall while on the escalator, and almost every staff member has encountered suchasituation.She added, every staff member will rush to stop the escalator and save the passengers as soon as possible.
Just as the interview was about to end, there was another loud noise nearby, and Zhu Qiongjing turned around and ran towards the sound, leaving the reporter behind. It turned out that a female passenger’s suitcase had fallen from the escalator.Fortunately, there was no one below. Despite her small stature and seemingly fragile appearance, Zhu Qiongjing’s petite body is constantly ready to race towards any emergency.
She repeatedly urged the reporter to remind the public to hold onto the handrails when riding the escalator. When holding a suitcase, make sure to place it horizontally on the steps and hold onto it firmly. “As long as there are enough staffmembers, we will arrangeforsomeone to remind everypassengerto hold onto the handrails at the entrance of the escalator, but at the same timepassengers must be careful when on an escalator.”
On February 28th, news of Zhu Qiongjing sliding across the floor on her knees to save the passengerafter falling twice began trending on Weibo, reaching as high as the second most searched topic on the platform. It remained trending for 7.9 hours, and had been read by over 140 millionusers, with more than 100 media outlets across the country reposting it. In the comments section, millions of netizens were deeply moved by her, and werealso concerned about her injuries. Zhu Qiongjing said,she hadaptlyapplied medicine and only suffered slight bruising on her knees, which did not interfere with her dailyactivities. She added, “I appreciate everyone’s concern”.Many netizens also called for her to become“officially employed.”The Jimu News reporter learned that Zhu Qiongjing has been hired as a formal employee after studying and successfully passingtheexams, and her position is now a ticket duty officer at the station.