


Info Click

Phoenix New Horizons:

- Lawrence’s Viewpoint

- The Tactics

- Financial Insight with Mr. Shih

- Mainland Q & A

From Phoenix to the World

Summary of Press

Documentary Big Eras

A Quote From the Celebs

Noontime Financial News

Phoenix News Express

Record Times

A Quote From the Celebs

Phoenix Buster:

- Global Updates

- Updated Military Status

- Society in Harmony

- Financial News and Views

Omni Talk


Chit Chat with Me

MV on Dewand

Phoenix New Horizons Series

First-run : MON-FRI 19:20 – 19:55

Repeat : TUE-SAT 06:20 – 06:55 11:30 – 12:00

Presenter : Lawrence Ho, Du Ping, Peter Qiu, Shih Chi Ping, Sally Wu

Phoenix New Horizons Series is a strong prime time line-up from Monday to Friday evening covering cross-strait politics, social, economy, finance, diplomacy and military affairs.

Heavyweight presenters Lawrence Ho, Du Ping, Peter Qiu, Shih Chi Ping and Sally Wu form the powerhouse think tank.

• Lawrence Ho is a learned commentator characterised by his measured, in-depth and persuasive analysis.

• Du Ping is a seasoned journalist specialized in diplomatic affairs, editor and chief writer.

• Peter Qiu is a robust intellectual with expert focus on China and European affairs.

• Shih Chi Ping is an acclaimed political and financial commentator, prolific columnist and writer.

• Sally Wu is Phoenix premier presenter, she has interviewed top-notch leaders in the past decade and is much adored by high-end audience in the Chinese community across the world.


Phoenix New Horizons Series : Lawrence’s Viewpoint

Presenter : Lawrence Ho

Lawrence’s Viewpoint on Monday, kick-starts the Phoenix New Horizons with commentator Laurence Ho. He talks you through the selected events on that day, unexpected twists and turns, significant incidents covering political, social, economical and cultural aspects, all are under the minute scrutiny with new perspective and evidence uncovered or released recently.

Audience said that Mr. Ho is insightful, with crispy analysis and tidy background illustration. He is considered as an “academic-style media man”, with easy-to-understand presentation, showing in-depth reasoning that is unbiased and coherent.


Phoenix New Horizons: The Tactics

Presenter : Du Ping

The Tactics presents audience with a fresh, interactive perspective on everything military. Specially crafted to decode secrets hidden in military history through exploring newsworthy issues, the program is what military fans have been waiting for.

The Tactics covers a range of comprehensive themes such as weapons, special forces, famous battles, expert research and more. Given the diplomatic challenges and opportunities facing China in recent years, the show is set to be a magnet for enthusiasts.

Each Tuesday, The Tactics provides viewers with exciting presentation by the host in a sophisticated studio set up as a strategy room that comes complete with a virtual military data bank, sand table and 3D weaponry.

Distinguished guests are invited on their respective fields of knowledge, including military theorists, history professors, maritime force experts and more. With the help of social media, The Tactics is bound to draw the click of an ever-growing group of military aficionados currently so active on the internet, who are eager to share their viewpoints with our experts and a wider audience.


Phoenix New Horizons Series : Financial Insight with Mr. Shih

Presenter : Shih Chi Ping

Shih Chi Ping, known for his unassuming style, is a well-read and knowledgeable commentator who is very serious about his works. He does extensive research regularly to make sure he delivers his best in his Thursday program.

Mr. Shih has been honing his skills for years to bring you first-hand summaries, sift through financial news generated from the Greater China and the world. That includes reading many published reports and providing earnest viewers insightful direction and updates in China and round the world. The program provides a backdrop for the volatile financial market.

Working with professionals during the program, Shih assumes an insightful role to produce ‘AAA’ overviews on the weekly market issues.

Shih has the reputable added-value to the program of working as the Deputy Secretary of reputable Straits Exchange Foundation and Senior Executive Officer of Council for Economic Planning and Development of Taiwan in the past.

Feedback on the internet, “Master Shih has a clear head and extensive knowledge, his concise comments are convincing and unbiased. His rich experiences from the past earn him high respect and popularity.”


Phoenix New Horizons: Mainland Q &A

Presenter : Sally Wu

Sally Wu, Phoenix premier presenter, is scaling new heights to produce this tour-de-force program called Mainland Q & A to invite more high-profile leaders from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong as our guests.

Zero-distance from the heavyweights and top leaders is the draw of this program. It reveals striking details about the thoughts of the most influential decision-makers, telling viewers the pulse of the time.

In 2015, after watching the interview of Wang Jie Fu on the subject of human organs donation, Hong Kong tycoon Mr. Li Ka Shing donated RMB8 million to the related development foundation to support their research and projects. Even the Pope watched the said interview, this confirmed the influence of this programme.

Over the years, Sally has interviewed celebrities including Jack Ma; Liu Chuan Zhi; Ma Wei Hua; Zong Qing Hou, Liu Yong Hao, Liu Peng and Shohrat Zakir; etc.

Since 2006, we are honored to interview many vice chairpersons of National People's Congress, and vice chairmen of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference as well as many other high ranking officers from mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

As one of the most recognizable TV hosts in China, Sally’s professionalism and pleasing style are much adored by the high-end audience in the Chinese community across the world. She was elected into the Standing Committee of All China Youth Federation in 2010, and was the Deputy Chairman of HK United Youth Association in 2011.

From Phoenix to the World

First-run : MON-FRI 22:35 – 23:00

Repeat: TUE-SAT 04:30 – 05:00 09:40 – 10:05

Presenter : Lu Chen, Ren Ren, Li Ke Fu

From Phoenix to the World, a programme in which reporters from around the world interact directly with host through satellite and telephone lines to put audiences in touch with important events right from where they happen.

The programme aims to deliver to you the most newsworthy events from an “insider’s” perspective. Tapping on Phoenix’s global network, the presenter hooks up with scholars, experts over the phone in over 30 major cities and gives in-depth discussion and analysis on the day’s headline news.

From Phoenix to the World was awarded “Best Commentary Programme” at “China TV Awards 2008”. Comment states that “the program is a multi-voices forum of current affairs. A microscope for reporters and insiders as well as an amplifier for specialists and commentators, the programme has effectively unfolded all minor details of global events.”

Summary of Press

First-run : MON-FRI 12:30 – 12:55

Repeat : MON-FRI 16:55 – 17:20 23:35 – 00:00 TUE-SAT 05:00 – 05:30

Presenter : Li Wei, Song Zhong Ping, Lawrence Ho, Peter Qiu

Since its debut in 2003, Summary of Press has been awarded the “Programme of the Year” and “Creative Programme Award” in China TV Programme Awards organized by “New Weekly”. It has also been included in “China TV Program Top 30” by New Weekly 2005.

Spend just 30 minutes a day and understand the important issues in the world with Summary of Press. There are so many things happening around the globe on a daily basis, it’s almost impossible to stay informed without a programme like this.

Providing a concise review of what’s in the press, the show highlights the important news by presenting newspaper headlines and editorial from over 50 respected publications including the “Financial Times” and “Economist” magazine.

Shanxi native Li Wei studied in Beijing, Germany and Australia. He has been a social commentator, finance programme presenter and columnist.

Documentary Big Eras

First-run : MON-FRI 17:25 – 17:55

Repeat : TUE-SAT 03:00 – 03:25 10:05 – 10:35

For the last twenty years Phoenix has been recording the changing China in every aspect, dimension and angle. Phoenix signature programmes such as Secret Documentary, My Patriotic Heart, Social Watch, Panoramic Eyeshot of Phoenix had successfully captured the dynamic realities and delicate emotions of Chinese people in the whirlwind of reformation. It is revealing to witness the ups and downs of a trend, the come and go of gadgets and the twists and turns of people’s lives.

In 2016, Phoenix will summarize all these gems and remake a daily documentary with themes such as education, medical, agricultural reform, poverty and birth control etc, giving viewers a full coverage of Chinese contemporary development for intellectual simulation and reflection.

The programme breaks away from the former usual narratives, is set to widen the horizon with new source of information. Significant Chinese figures such as scholars, religious and social leaders, grass-root class will be examined with valuable footage taken throughout the years to spell out the future of China.

A Quote From The Celebs

First-run : MON-FRI 20:55 – 21:00

Repeat : TUE-SAT 04:00 – 04:05 MON-FRI 16:50 – 16:55

Presenter : Wang Ying

For viewers looking forward to sharp and intelligent revelations from celebrities, Phoenix launches a wisdom-laden program named A Quote from The Celebs.

Based on the excerpts from Phoenix’s past interviews with the most brilliant and articulate celebrities, luminaries and key players from across the world, this crispy but highly-enlightening program supplies food for thoughts in diverse subjects.

Be it stirring, uplifting, aspiring or full of dark humour, you will find this eclectic collection of quotations stimulating.

Phoenix Buster Series : Global Updates

First-run:MON 22:00 – 22:30

Repeat : TUE 03:25 – 04:00 15:30 – 16:05

Presenter : Lu Chen

Global Updates employs a Chinese perspective to explore and probe into the global politics, economy and cultures. Incorporating the experts and scholars’ views, Lu Chen adheres to professional attitude to unwrap the undercurrent of the major events around the world and to present the causes and effects to the audience.

The programme examines issues with diversifying angles, offers an in-depth investigation and provides a better understanding of China’s positioning on the world stage.

Steady, confident and composed, Lu has a wealth of media experience and superb news sense, that is why she has been hosting various big live programmes such as the Sichuan earthquake, trial of Saddam Hussein, the launch of Shenzhou VI, US presidential election, Tsunami in Southeast Asia and the fifth anniversary of the Macau handover etc.

Phoenix Buster Series : Updated Military Status

First-run: WED 22:00 – 22:30

Repeat : THU 03:25 – 04:00 15:30 – 16:05

Presenter : Dong Jia Yao, Wan Jun

Commentator : Ma Ding Shing

Phoenix aired a military-oriented programme when the US-Iraq war broke out in March 2003. It helped to satisfy the curiosity and information needs of the community in a timely manner. Military analyst Ma Ding Shing hosts this programme analysing the latest worldwide military scenarios and classic combat techniques. Audiences can enhance their knowledge of military jargon and learn about various strategic military patterns.

The programme focuses on the latest issues with military dimension and sheds light on our outlook of the world and topics that interest overseas Chinese to broaden our minds.

The interactive screen animation is the catch of the programme with harmless atom bomb blasting off whereas animated submarines encircle the presenter as a constant reminder. Unconfirmed news, intelligence, insider’s notes are gathered in Hong Kong, a long-standing info-cum-intelligence center for several decades.

This programme celebrates Ma Ding Shing’s biggest obsession for military affairs. Mr. Ma is exceedingly conversant with military affairs, he simply could fill you in with whatever topics you raise, his military knowledge never fails to amaze viewers.

Phoenix Buster Series : Society in Harmony

First-run: THU 22:00 – 22:30

Repeat : FRI 03:25 – 04:00 15:30 – 16:05

Presenter : Coco Chen Shwu Woan

Endless consumption, materialism, ignorance, inconsideration. The crisis-prone transformations running through China today has resulted in widespread social misdemeanors. The moral hazard bells kept ringing loud to ask: what is wrong with us? Where is our manners and social decency?

We need to go back to basics, we need integrity, sharing and consideration of others in order to help build a better world, a harmonious society.

The charm of the program is the positive energy conveyed to the audience. Positive attitude and touching stories to testify the truth, beauty and harmony of humanity!

At the core is the aim to analyse, comment, feedback, diverse exchange, reasoning, complemented by short video, pictures, charts, 3D pictures to engage audience. The programme blends blog and weibo, brain storming with experts, scholars, celebrity, academics to give their opinions, forming a powerful forum to defend the moral values of the time. It helps passing the positive force along.

Phoenix Buster Series : Financial News and Views

First-run: FRI 22:00 – 22:30

Repeat: SAT 03:25 – 04:00 15:30 – 16:05

Presenter : Wang Ying

Financial News and Views is a smart financial guide offering more than just financial reporting. It also provides penetrating commentaries and analyses through creditable critics, corporate insiders and commentators.

Adopting a concise and easy-to-understand approach, viewers are presented with all the critical factors making impacts on the current financial markets and pointing to the future trends. The program covers indispensable financial news from the world’s influential markets.

Wang Ying has a solid financial background with experience in corporate financing at some of the Wall Street investment banks, including the research departments of Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. She is confident to raise the par on finance programs with more comprehensive and incisive reports.

“Financial News and Views is truly a great show which I follow very closely. It would be super great if the running time could be extended,” the audience said.

Omni Talk

First-run : MON-FRI 18:00 – 19:15

Repeat : TUE-SAT 00:35 – 01:50

Presenter : Coco Chen, Wan Jun, Lany Tian,, An Dong, Echo Huang,Wang Feng, Jao Hsiang Yi

Phoenix’s multi-media programme Omni Talk will greet audiences in a brand new format in 2016! Coming complete with hottest topics of the day, enhanced interactive experience, innovative ideas and more exclusive reportage as well as heavyweight guest speakers, the show is a sumptuous feast for the mind that our dedicated team of professionals offers viewers via TV and mobile devices at 6pm Monday through Friday.

The Index works in conjunction with The Info to give audiences a broad view on big data once a week. Detailed analysis of graphs and figures concerning specified issues sheds light on how the story is received by different groups and the trend of any on-going development, and inspires further debate and discussion.

Daily Reading collaborates with Book.ifeng.com to provide a 3-minute window to the world of literature. Every day, our presenter will talk you through a good book, a good bookstore or any book-related activities to promote the message of reading in this breath of fresh, cultural air.

Focus Today is a daily news express segment. All major news both at home and abroad including showbiz headlines are delivered in a 3-minute brief to show viewers the stories that have been drawing everyone’s attention.

Presenters’ Palette lets the three show hosts bring to audience pictures and videos of their choice, with matching background colours as they explain the story behind each one of their selection every day of the week.

Put It to the Test uses hidden cameras to capture ordinary people’s response to different situations in the streets. The weekly session shows you whether people do report lost properties; or good-looking women find it easier to borrow mobile phones; or people would lend a helping hand to the elderly, etc.

Live Experience sees our reporters enter mock situations for a close-up look at how headline stories unfolded, and offer their intimate, unique insights.

Love Around the Corner is all about heart-warming tales. Every day, we scour every corner both online and offline for true stories that touch your heart and pack a punch of positive energy!

Top 5 is a list of alternative tastes. Any topic is possible under which a rich amount of relevant information is organized in a clear and simple order for interesting, focused discussions.

Hot Movies is a weekly segment that lets viewers into the world of the latest blockbusters, combining previews, reviews and even star interviews.

Show-off invites netizens to upload their own pictures and videos of designated themes so as to those memorable moments with the audiences.


First-run : MON-FRI 20:35 – 20:55

Repeat: TUE-SAT 04:05 – 04:25 13:35 – 13:55

Presenter : Ren Ren, Le Ke Fu, An Dong

Phoenix presents Focus to keep you up with the latest news of hot spots and disputes in different regions of the world. Insightful observation and intellectual analyses will also be given to topic regarding international and civil warfare, cross-border conflicts, terrorist attacks, as well as invisible battles in the economic and internet domain. Special attention will be paid to those issues that may affect domestic and overseas Chinese citizens such as South China Sea dispute, coal mining safety issues as well as railway development and safety, etc.

The programme is supplemented with video clips, pictures, charts and 3D images plus live on-field connection with our global correspondent team. Phoenix New Media on the other hand will act as an interactive platform so that the audience could have immediate interaction with the show through forum, blog and micro blog.

The programme was awarded a Certificate of Merit for Special Achievement in Visual Effects at the Chicago International Film Festival 2015. The uniquely-crafted title opening combines virtual and studio designs to announce the entrance of the presenter, amidst vibrant sound effects and background lighting for maximum impact.

Chit Chat with Me

First-run: SAT 22:45 – 23:30

Repeat: SUN 05:45 – 06:30 14:30 – 15:15 MON 09:30 – 10:15

Presenter : Yu Chi Lin Jia

Humor makes people happy, fills life with hope and turns the mundane world into wonderland.

Chit Chat With Me builds on its enormous success in the past 5 years to conjure up more from current affairs and bring joy to the audience. An enhanced version is rolled out in 2015 - guests and audience are invited to ignite more sparks of wit and wisdom with the host in untrammeled amusement.

The show maintains its three-segment format filled with social satire, a sweeping take on history and the devil’s details of common sense. Most of all, focus will be added on re-interpreting the latest news topics.

With his unique brand of humor, host Yu Chi Lin Jia weaves a distinctive narrative with the week’s top stories through songs, peoples, anecdotes and adages. He lights up the deeper meaning of his innuendoes while the audience laugh at his gags and get inspired about bigger issues around the world.

Yu Chi’s special brand of lampoon, coupled with interesting cartoons, animations and archive footage, is now able to interact with live audience and guests in Chit Chat With Me.

MV on Demand

First-run : MON-FRI 14:00-14:15

Repeat: MON-FRI 17:50 – 18:00 TUE-SAT 01:50 – 01:55 03:15 – 03:25 04:25 – 04:30 MON 14:00 – 14:15 TUE 02:35 – 02:45 SUN 10:45 – 11:00

MV on Demand offers the latest, the hottest and the hippest music videos from the Chinese pop scene. A fine selection of catchy melodies combined with vibrant, sophisticated visuals provides viewers with relaxing interludes at different timeslots throughout the week.

The extensive playlist is tastefully selected from current top favorites among audiences on the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Whatever the tempo, songs by leading artists, bands, singer songwriters and promising new acts are here to take viewers on a musical trip to sample the best of Chinese pop and rock.
