Heroes come from the people:Young Mother with an Artificial Heart Implant is Discharged from Hospit



Young Mother with anArtificial Heart Implant is Discharged from Hospital

极目新闻记者 晏雯

通讯员 朱玉凤 昌金星

翻译:杨珂 卫拉 严佳薇(湖北大学)

Jimu News Reporter: Yan Wen

Correspondents: Zhu Yufeng, Chang Jinxing

Translators: Yang Ke, Lisa M.K, Yan Jiawei (Hubei University)

医护团队祝贺陈月顺利康复 (武汉大学人民医院供图 ) The medical team congratulates Chen Yue on her recovery Source: RenminHospital ofWuhan University


“I had a dream, I was runningforward with my daughter.”Chen Yue (pseudonym), 29 years old, woke up in a bed at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University(Hubei General Hospital)on September 20th. Three days prior, she underwent a highly complex surgery to implant an artificial heart. A faint “buzzing”sound came from her chest, which was the sound of her artificial heartat work, and more so a reminderthat she had escaped the clutches of death.

11月9日,是陈月接受人工心脏植入后的第 53天,也是她出院的日子。由于心脏受损,无法正常运行,她只能依靠小小的人工心脏,让血液流遍全身。

On November 9th, 53 daysafterthesurgery, Chenwas discharged from the hospital. She had to rely on the small artificial heart to keep blood flowing throughout her body after damage to her heart rendered it obsolete.


Having fought between lifeanddeath several times, Chen felt she was favored by the God of Luck. “Rightnow,it just truly feels great to be alive!”


Young Mom-to-be Facedwith the Threat of Death


In June this year, Chen Yue gave birth to her daughter after ten months of pregnancy. However, the happiness was short-lived as she developed symptoms including palpitations, coughing, vomiting, wheezing and difficulty lying flat, and was subsequently diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy.


From June to August, Chen Yue visited numerous hospitals. The medication, however, was not helping, leaving the family at a loss.


At the beginning of September, Chen Yue suffered a sudden respiratory failure and was urgently taken to the Cardiology Department of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan Universityby her family for treatment. On September 9th, she becameunconsciousness and had dilated pupils, withthe ECG indicating she was experiencing ventricular fibrillation. The Cardiology Department, Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit immediately organized rescue efforts. After emergency CPRand endotracheal intubation, Chen Yue was placed on a ventilator and admittedto Intensive Care Unit Ⅱfor treatment.


Peripartum cardiomyopathy, refers to irreversible cardiac damage that occurs within the 3 months before childbirth and 6 months postpartum. It is a special type of cardiomyopathy characterized by an enlargement of the heart, heart failure and arrhythmia. The causesvaryfromgenetic factors, infections, inflammation, toimmune damage. During the course of the disease, malignant arrhythmia, heart failure, and sudden death may occur.


“Our perseverance is what saves patients in critical condition!”These are the words that Yu Zhui, the director of ICU Ⅱ, has long adhered to. He has led the team on a “life saving war”since Chen Yue’s first day in the ward.


Recurrent ventricular fibrillation, loss of consciousness, dilated pupils...In only 3 days, Chen Yue experienced ventricular fibrillation 21 times. Efforts to administer defibrillation left the skin on her chest was almost burned by the current of defibrillator. As her condition deteriorated, her left ventricle continued to dilate, her heart was nearly “going on strike”, with various symptoms further leading to thrombosis in the left ventricle.


Further adding fuel to fire, the insufficient a lowcardiac ejection led to low blood pressure, resulting inmultiple organ failurefor Chen Yue, including her brain, liver, kidneyandgastrointestinalsystem, among others. On September 12th, the teams in the Intensive Care Unit Ⅱand Cardiovascular Surgery Ⅱdecided to immediately treat Chen Yue with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) and Renal Replacement Therapy.


Despite all efforts, Chen Yue still experienced “ventricular arrhythmia storms”repeatedly. Following much discussion, the multidisciplinary team concluded that cardiac surgical intervention was the only way to save her life.


Artificial heart brings hope


“The heart is like a waterpump. A normal functioning heart will pump blood away from and back to the heart regularly. However, Chen’s heartisunable to pump the blood out, and similar to a balloon it grew in size, lowering her blood pressure. If there is no suitable heart donor, an artificial heart implant is the only way out.” Xia Jun, director of the department of cardiovascular surgery II, said to Chen Yue’s family.


Chen Yue’s husband said, “We have to try and save her regardless of the result. Please, doctor, do what you must.”


The support and understanding of the patient’s family touched Xia Jun deeply and strengthened his confidence to provide successful treatment.


Xia Jun told Jimu News that artificial hearts are divided into left ventricular assist, right ventricular assist, and biventricular assist. Chen Yue, mainly suffering from left ventricular failure, only needed to implant a left ventricular assist device to supplement part of her cardiac output that her natural heart could not provide.


Despite artificial heart implants being a common routine surgeries at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, small-incision artificial heart implant in a perinatal cardiomyopathy patient with ECMO, dialysis machine, and ventilator at the same time is rare worldwide.


With the full support and care of the hospital, the department of cardiovascular surgery II organized several multidisciplinary, domestic and international joint consultations to ensure the smooth progress of this difficult surgery. Participants in the online consultation were cardiac surgery experts from the United States, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou, as well as experts from the department of cardiovascular surgery, critical care medicine, cardiology, anesthesiology, ultrasound, and rehabilitation of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. The team held a thorough discussion on key issues such as surgical approach, surgical risks, timing of the surgery, possible postoperative complications, and short-term and long-term benefits. Despite creating multiple options for an action plan, making the final decision did not come easily.

“She is dying,we must do something right now(她的生命正在消逝,我们必须赶紧做点什么)!”曾领导美国首例左心室辅助装置植入手术的Karl教授参与会诊时表示。

“She is dying, we must do something right now!” Professor Karl, who had led the first left ventricular assist device implant in the United States, said when he participated in the consultation.


On September 16, the team of experts made a final decision: Chen Yue should undergo artificial heart implant immediately.


On the morning of September 17, Chen Yue was admitted to the operating room. To minimize the risks and trauma of the surgery, Xia Jun decided to use a minimal invasive approach.


Eight hours later, Chen Yue’s husband finally received good news that the operation was successful.


Fighting for Her Life Post-Surgery


After the artificial heart implant, the battle for Chen Yue’s life was not over, her fight with death was still imminent.


Chen Yue was immediately transferred to the department of critical care medicine II after surgery. How were they to effectively perform anticoagulation of the artificial heart and dialysis without causing bleeding? How would the blood pressure be stabilized to maintain a stable internal environment? How would they prevent multi-site infections caused by various catheters? How were they to accurately adjust the parameters of various antihypertensive drugs, rehydration, and renal replacement therapy? How was the subsequent maintenance of various catheters and extracorporeal machines to be done? All such difficulties had to be overcome.


Yu Zhui, director of the Department of Critical CareMedicine II, led the entire medical and nursing team, and related disciplines to carefully consider every detail that could affect the patient's condition. They strive to implement a full range of monitoring, treatment, and nursing care. In addition, they also observe patient’s body temperature, blood pressure, the color of the blood in the drip and circulation. They formulated a detailed treatment plan for each problem, patiently overcoming each successively.


“I had a dream whereI was running forward with my child.” Chen Yue, who woke up on September 20 after surgery, said.


With this strength, she cooperated with the critical care team overcoming multiple challenges such as postoperative infection, renal failure without urine, and bleeding caused by a coagulation dysfunction.


At about 3:00 a.m. on September 22, Yu Zhui, who was resting at home, woke up from a dream in which he was discussing Chen Yue's condition at her bedside. He immediately called the department's medical personnel to inquire about Chen Yue's condition. “We've been keeping watch, and the patient has a low blood pressure and doesn’t seem to be improving.” a medical caregiver said.


As the situation was urgent, Yu Zhui rushed to the hospital. After several hours of careful treatment, Chen Yue was eventually out of danger.


Medicine creates miraculously saves lives


The efforts made by the multidisciplinary team have gradually stabilized Chen Yue's condition over the past two months.


The cardiovascular surgery staff spent several days at the patient's bedside. They adjusted the parameters of the artificial heart according to the ultrasound and hemodynamic indexes to maximize the stability of the patient's hemodynamics and the function of each organ. Professor Zhang Zhan of the Department of Rehabilitation developed a number of cardiovascular rehabilitation training programs based on the patient's condition. Chen Yue’s condition gradually improved: on October 3, she could movearound; on October 9, she was successfully transferred to the general ward of the Cardiac Surgery Department; on November 9, she was discharged from the hospital.


Yu Zhui introduced that Chen Yue's successful treatment can be regarded as the “highest caliber” of a successful implementation of mechanical ventilation, kidney replacement therapy, ECMO rescue, and perioperative management of artificial heart disease in the perinatal period. It is the highest level of cardiovascular surgery and critical care medicine clinical treatment worldwide.


Xia Jun exclaimed, “The top notch medical expertise of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and the sincere cooperation of multiple disciplines are what helped us complete such a miraculous lifesaving surgery once again.”


During the check-in, Chen Yue told the medical staff that this fall has a special meaning for her. The experience has made her stronger, and more aware of her family's love for her. She also has a more deep understanding of the hardship and greatness of healthcare workers.


According to statistics, there are currently 13.7 million heart failure patients in China, of which more than 1 million are end-stage heart failure patients. However, there are only less than 1,000 heart transplant donors in China every year. The emergence of artificial hearts has brought a new hope for life for many end-stage heart failure patients. They either use the artificial heart as a transition to buy time for a heart transplant, or permanently use the artificial heart for survival.


