Huaxia: it is the oldest title in China and is still in use today. The name of a country represents the identity of its people to the essence of their own country, as well as the demand and hope for their own country. Huaxia, the oldest name in China, shows that China is a big and most beautiful big flower, with magical beautiful mountains and rivers! The word "Huaxia" is also the deep attachment and boundless love of the Chinese people to this magical land where they are born and raised.
先谈龙字。Let's talk first 龙(dragon)
Some scholars equate the Chinese 龙 (dragon) with the western dragon, which is a conceptual confusion. Dragon in the western world is a ferocious beast that can only harm mankind, and the 龙 (dragon) in China is by no means the dragon. in the western world.
中国龙是在天上玉皇大帝管辖和领导下,为百姓行云播雨、为民间风调雨顺服务的龙。西方的dragon怎么能够具有中国龙的高贵品质和超能?在汉译英上,中国的龙字,因为西方没有适当的名词相对应,应该翻译为汉语拼音long。翻译为Chinese dragon 同样是错误的,不适合的。
Chinese 龙 (dragon)Under the authority and leadership of the Jade Emperor, it is a dragon that runs clouds and sows rain for the common people.How can Western dragon have Chinese 龙 (dragon)Noble qualities and powers?
China also often uses the dragon to symbolize the image of China. The image of the Chinese 龙 (dragon),Some scholars because of misunderstanding and prejudice, He hated the Chinese 龙 (dragon),,The 龙 (dragon is thought to be aggressive and arrogant. This view is far from correct. Just take a closer look. The basic concept of the Chinese 龙(dragon), then there will be no such wrong view.
In the hearts of the people, most 龙(dragons) are definitely not for the wicked, but to bring happiness to the common people. It would be a complete mistake to consider the vast majority of 龙(dragons) as evil gods simply because they are a bit towering.
Although 龙(dragons)has the image of dancing claws, but its duty is definitely not to hurt people, but to serve the people. They follow the will of the Jade Emperor, according to the requirements of the earthly people, rain, rain dew in the world. In China, where the farming economy is the main economic body, the fate of the vast majority of Chinese is related to whether the 龙(dragons)can carry out the rain in time.
The 龙(dragons)people in China all have the kind of features that make people seem a bit towering. This is the kind of authority and momentum that the 龙(dragons) want to maintain when they are traveling in the clouds and rain, so that those who are so powerful as to be able to submit themselves to their own command. Sprinkle rain and rain on the earth in time. Since the 龙(dragons) is so industrious and brave, it should be a meritorious service to the people and should be loved by the people. For thousands of years in China, the people set up temples for the龙(dragons) King in various settlements, in order to make religious sacrifices and worship to the 龙(Dragon) King.
Of course, there are also a few "evil龙(dragons)" and "evil 龙(dragons)" in Chinese myths and legends.These are bad 龙(dragons)that plague the people, They are often tied up or killed by God or the gods. They simply can not represent the whole 龙(dragons) bring rain and happiness to the people.
再谈华夏On huaxia again
We still talk about China's ancient name, "Huaxia," which makes us see clearly that there is a magical country in the east of the world, or in the center of the world, which is "Huaxia." Huaxia is a magnificent and beautiful flower.
In the country of "Huaxia", the land of Huaxia is a beautiful mountain and river full of beautiful flowers everywhere, living here and producing industrious, brave and kind-hearted people. They love peace and oppose war. They are so attached to their homeland and to their motherland that they do not have the will to open their territory and invade other countries, as China's history of five thousand years has proved. In the history of the world, what Westerners once called "yellow peril" had nothing to do with the Chinese civilization of the Central Plains. However, in the face of foreign aggression, in order to defend their own country and people, the masses of the Chinese people will go on and on, fight to kill the enemy, until they are finished. A complete victory.
这里我们就从“华夏”二字的本意来加以解释吧。Here we explain it in terms of the original meaning of the word "Huaxia".
華(华)字。華(读音hua) character Pronunciation hua。
華的“艹”字头(草字头),華Hua's "Zang" prefix (grass head),
草字头是草本植物的表征,表明华是一种植物。在古代先民看来,木本植物的牡丹等鲜花,因为它们个体较小,因此,古代先民一般就把它们放在了草本植物的范围类。而且不论是在树木上开的花朵,还是在草本植物开的花朵,都一概用草字头来表示。或许古古代先民们会认为,无论是木本还是草本植物上生长的花朵,这些花朵都跟草本植物一样显得那样的柔弱。因此,凡是花朵都与草本植物相类似。Herbaceous characters indicate that Hua is a kind of plant. In the ancient people's view, woody plants, such as peony flowers, because they are small, therefore, the ancient ancestors generally placed them in the scope of herbaceous plants. And flowers in trees, flowers in herbaceous plants, are all represented by herbaceous initials. Perhaps ancient ancestors thought that flowers, both woody and herbaceous, were as weak as herbs. Therefore, all flowers are similar to herbaceous plants.
Any of various woody plants that grow flowers such as peach, pear, rose, orchid, bauhinia, gardenia, and many other woody plants. These flowers are particularly weak, as long as the next wind and rain, the wind and rain fall on the ground, the result is: "fall into mud for dust."
除了“華”字的“草字头”表明这花朵是植物以外,Except the herbaceous head of the word "Hua" indicates that the flower is a plant.
We see that the lower half of the flower is the shape of a complete flower. One is that the symmetrical cross is the flower's flower, the other is the flower's petal and receptacle. It can be said that this is the ancient Chinese characters to the largest flowers such as peony the most concise abstract painting. Although there is not much ink and pen, we can see a big beautiful flower that is lifelike.
由华字组成的词组有:The phrases composed of 華(hua) characters are:
Gorgeous, colorful, Hua Gui, Hua Zhang, Hua watch, Hua Gui, essence, flashy, spring and autumn, bustling, magnificent, flashy, luxurious, Chinese, Chinese worker, Hua Han, Birthday, Hua Ju, Hua Fa, Hua Fa, Time, age, etc.
夏字 Summer character
Summer character is composed of two parts: the upper part is like "page" and the "page" is the pictogram of human head in ancient Chinese characters, which is extended to the unearthed part of plants, such as the body and crown of trees and seedlings of plants; The lower part is shaped like a friend and is a pictographic word at the root of a plant.
The word "summer" means that in hot summer weather and abundant Rain Water, plants get the best growth conditions. All the plants in the sun and rain moisture, desperately rapid growth. In other words, a millet is planted in spring, a handful of seedlings grow in summer, and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn. In other words, summer is the best opportunity for plants to grow up.
The original meaning of the word "Xia": big meaning. Therefore, the word "Huaxia" is the meaning of the big flower.
由夏字组成的词组有:The following phrases are composed of Xia characters:
夏天、夏季、夏衣、夏禹、夏耘、 夏锄、夏至、夏种、夏装、夏播、夏布、夏锄、夏管、夏后氏、夏令、夏熟、夏粮、夏代、夏历、华夏等。
Summer, summer clothes, Xia Yu, Xia Yun, Xia hoe, the Summer Solstice, summer seed, summer dress, summer sowing, summer cloth, summer hoe, summer tube, summer later, summer time, summer ripe, summer grain, summer dynasty, summer calendar, Chinese summer, etc.
华夏 Huaxia
The word Hua (Hua) is the meaning of the flower; the summer is the meaning of the big. The combination of Chinese characters means beautiful big flowers.
The name of China not only expresses the ancient Chinese ancestors, to their motherland magic rich and beautiful river mountain incomparable love and heartfelt praise, and the Chinese word also expresses the ancient Chinese ancient people's infinite yearning for peace. Huaxia, as her country's name, does not have the image of a grisly animal with its teeth and claws, but shows the nation of beautiful flowers to the people of the world.
"Huaxia", she also makes us see clearly in the east of the world, or in the center of the world, there is a magical country, it is "Huaxia."
In the country of "Huaxia", the land of Huaxia is a beautiful mountain and river full of beautiful flowers everywhere, living here and producing industrious, brave and kind-hearted people. They love peace and oppose war. They are so attached to their homeland and to their motherland that they do not have the will to open their territory and invade other countries, as China's history of five thousand years has proved. In the history of the world, what Westerners once called "yellow peril" had nothing to do with the Chinese civilization of the Central Plains.