上周末,因SushiSwap匿名创始人Chef Nomi卖出devpool的全部SUSHI,造成SUSHI大跌,并带动大盘下跌。
SushiSwap早期农民、FTX创始人Sam Bankman Fried随机发推怒怼Chef Nomi,并表态愿意支持SushiSwap发展。Sam Bankman Fried表示,如果Chef Nomi放弃对SushiSwap所有私钥的控制,Sam Bankman Fried愿意个人出资向社区返还500万枚SUSHI代币,这些代币将在迁移完成且与Serum集成后空投给SUSHI抵押用户。
9月6日,Chef Nomi在推特表示已将SushiSwap时间锁管理控制权限发送给Sam Bankman Fried,并正将控制权转让给Sam Bankman Fried。
Sam Bankman Fried成为SushiSwap临时掌舵人。随后,Sam Bankman Fried采取一系列措施、多管齐下拯救SushiSwap。
Sam Bankman Fried表示要将SushiSwap控制权转移个社区,因此在twitter表示转发推特并表示“I would like to be a multisig key holder for sushi”,挑选出来作为候选人,然后社区投票选出9名多签管理人。
数据显示,目前已有包括Sam Bankman Fried本人、0xMaki(Sushi核心开发者)、OKEx CEO Jay Hao、BigONE交易所、MCDEX创始人刘杰 、@shmula、TomoChain首席执行官@longvuong22、社区KOL@boxming、TheBlock研究总监Larry Cermak、@mattysino等人在内的48位多签名管理候选人。
迁移期间 200万枚SUSHI代币激励
9月7日,Sam Bankman Fried表示,SushiSwap迁移进入倒计时,为了激励人们在迁移期间继续提供流动性,Sam Bankman Fried将为迁移期间的流动性提供者发放100万枚SUSHI。SushiSwap金库也会匹配SBF提供100万枚SUSHI。
9月8日,Sam Bankman Fried发推继续阐述其对Sushi后期发展方向的看法。Sam Bankman Fried表示,目前最优先考虑的应是确保迁移成功,确保多签名管理权过渡成功转移。
针对Sushi发展,Sam Bankman Fried的提议还包括:
2、对Sushi部分奖励进行锁定。遵循当前时间表,将1/6 SUSHI解锁,将1/3锁定1年,并降低50%产出速度。
3、将SUSHI持币者的Maker费率从30 bps降至20 bps,taker费率从15 bps降至5 bps。
Sam Bankman Fried最新推文如下
1) My thoughts on direction for Sushi
2) No one has to listen to these! Sushi is being transferred to community control. This is just my take, feel free to ignore.NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I AM NOT AND NEVER HAVE BEEN NOMI. I DON'T EVEN EAT FISH. I was just a temporary chef trying to steady the helm.
3) First, I think the top priorities right now are:a) making sure migration is successful,b) making sure multisig transition happensc) getting as much TVL through the transition as possible. You can support the cause by keeping your stake! Plus 2mm SUSHI reward.
4) After that, here are my humble thoughts.First, I agree that supply should be reduced. Part of this will happen naturally as the the inflation dies down.But I think we should go further: I think that some of the SUSHI rewards should be locked.
5) Maybe take the current schedule, but make 1/6 of the SUSHI unlocked, 1/3 locked for 1 year, and reduce rate by 50%.That means that SUSHI stakers have a long term interest in the health of the platform, and also that circulating supply is lowered.
还按当前时间表,但将1/6 SUSHI解锁,将1/3锁定1年,并降低50%产出速度。这对SUSHI持币者有长期利益,同时也降低了SUSHI市场流通量 。
6) Also, I'd reduce taker fees from 30bps to 20bps, maker rebate of 15bps, and 5bps --> SUSHI holders. This lines up more with prevailing rates in the industry.
7) Next, I'd compose with @compoundfinance and @AaveAave to create seemless margin trading on Sushiswap.
接下来,我将与@compoundfinance 和@AaveAave合作一起在Sushiswap上创建无缝的保证金交易。
8) Finally--yes I'm biased!--I'd build out a branch on Serum.If you haven't tried it yet, you should: https://serum-academy.com/en/dex-list/That's 1 second orders, $0.00002 gas, 100% on-chain orderbook/matching engine. Imagine if Sushiswap was that fast and cheap and powerful. Aim big!
最后-是的,我有偏见!-我将在Serum上建立一个分支,如果您还没有尝试过,则应该:https://serum-academy.com/en/dex-list/ 1秒订单,$0.00002 gas费,100%链上订单/撮合引擎。想象一下,Sushiswap是否既快速又便宜又强大。大目标!
9) Basically I think that's what presents the huge upside case for Sushi: don't just try to win the vanilla ETH AMM game; that's going to be passed round and round.First, win the vanilla ETH AMM game. Then, try to become something much more.
基本上,我认为这就是Sushi巨大潜力的原因:不要仅仅试图赢得ETH AMM的游戏;这将一遍又一遍地通过。首先,赢得香草ETH AMM游戏。然后,尝试变得更多。
10) Anyway on the eve of the end of my chefdom I wanted to present one vision for Sushi. It's not the only one. But it's mine.Now sushi is going to be yours, finally. Make of it what you will.