Young Wuhan Kayaker Successfully Lands on Chongming Island
11月16日,孙文竹结束了自己的长江漂流之旅 On November 16th, Sun Wenzhu completed his kayak journey down the Yangtze River
孙文竹被潮水拦住,难以前行 Sun Wenzhu encountered tides, bringing the expedition to a halt
楚天都市报极目新闻记者 张奇
摄影:楚天都市报极目新闻记者 张奇
Jimu News Reporter: Zhang Qi
Photographed by Jimu News Reporter Zhang Qi
Translated by Zhao Yingying, Liu Guilan, Lisa M. K (Hubei University)
On the afternoon of November 16, Sun Wenzhu, a native of Wuhan, landed his kayak on the East Beach of Chongming Island in Shanghai, marking the end of his 3,500-kilometer journey along the Yangtze River that began from the city of Panzhihua, Sichuan province and lasted 118 days. As he approached the riverbank, he raised his arms in celebration, yelling excitedly “Go ashore,” before stepping off the boat and falling backwards into the water, fully embracing the merging river and sea. Sun Wenzhu told Jimu News reporters that he hoped his story would inspire more people to explore the diverse landscapes along the Yangtze River.
Young Kayaker Travels 3,500 Kilometers Down the Yangtze River
According to previous Jimu News reports, 34-year-old Sun Wenzhu, who was raised in Wuhan, often spent his early years wondering where the upstream of the Yangtze River was and where the water flowed to. Fueled by tales he heard about explorers drifting down the Yangtze, he began entertaining the idea of kayaking down the river as early 2012 during his university days, but it never came to fruition.
In 2024, three years into fatherhood, Sun Wenzhu felt it was time for a change, time to pursue something meaningful in his life and contribute to his family. Thus, he revisited his old dream and decided to kayak down the Yangtze River. On June 6, with just himself and his kayak, Sun Wenzhu embarked on his expedition setting out from Panzhihua, Sichuan province.
Sun Wenzhu told the Jimu Newsreporterthat the entire journey of his river rafting, spanning approximately 3,500 kilometers, was divided into three segments:Panzhihua to Yibin,Yibin to Wuhan, and Wuhan to Shanghai. The total duration of his rafting adventure amounted to 118 days. Along the way, he encountered near-fatal ordeals when his kayak capsized, marveled at breathtaking scenery along the route, and received heartwarming assistance from friends.
Final Leg of Kayak Journey Ends at the Yangtze River Estuary
On the morning of November 16th, accompanied by his friends, Sun Wenzhu unloaded the kayak from the car, assembled the paddles, put on his life jacket and equipment, and carried the kayak towardsthe waterside.
“NowI am on Chongming Island,I’ve arrived at the final destination of the trip today.”“The tide is still risingnow, and the water is rising really fast.”“It’s now or never, we’re heading to the sea!” Before departing, Sun Wenzhu started a live stream where he shared his plan, facing the camera in high spirits.
During the final leg of journey on the 16th, Sun Wenzhu paddled nearly 20 kilometers around the Yangtze River Estuary. At 10 a.m., he boarded the kayak and set off for the sunrise point on the east beach of Chongming Island, as planned. As expected, 20 minutes after departing, Sun Wenzhu wastrappedby the tide on a reed-infested beach, unable to proceed. Despite being trapped, he maintained his pace and continued rowing. About 20 minutes later, he eventually rowed past the swift currents and resumed his trip.
Meanwhile, SunWenzhu’s friends stared at the live stream as they drove to their destination to get ready to meet him. “Thecurrent is strong, and heis paddlingslower.” “It’ll be about two hours before I see him.” They found every beach they could see Sun Wenzhu, and waved to him as soon as they saw him. Sun’s welcoming party shared their admiration for Sun’s perseverance and persistence with theJimuNews reporter, statingthatthey learned about Sun Wenzhuthroughhis rafting trip. Afterchattingwith Sun for a while, theyhit it off and became good friends. These past fewdays, they travelled to Shanghaifrom Wuhan, Chengdu, Zhenjiang and other places to welcome Sun Wenzhu.
At about 11 a.m., the west side of Chongming Island was in high tide. Going against the swift current, Sun Wenzhupaddledon seemingly unfazed, even sharing a chuckle with his viewers on the live stream.
At about 2 p.m. on the 16th, Sun Wenzhu rowed a kayak near the sunrise point on the east beach of Chongming Island. Slowed down by the tide, he had to row several minutes before finally landing. The moment he arrived, he raised his arms and shouted several times, “Go ashore!” When he disembarked, he raised his arms and fell backwards into the river, enjoying the unique embrace of the merging river and sea. It took him a few minutes tostandup and walk ashore. “The sea is abitsalty, but also very liberating,” Sundescribedhis feelings. His friendshandedhim hot drinks, overcoats and a national flag to celebrate his triumphant kayak expedition.
Sun Wenzhu toldJimu Newsreportersthat he believes he willundertakesimilar challenges in the future, “Ihavesturdily paved away,and Iwillkeep movingforward.”