在个性化标签盛行的今天,每个人都在以“个性”编织一个能容纳自己的茧。MBTI人格类型等标签成为我们社交时递出和接收的名片。大数据,个性化推荐和人工智能的出现如同全自动的织茧机,迅速地将我们包裹。我们在抱怨茧的存在的同时又从未停止茧的生产。如果说蚕结茧是为了破茧成蝶,那我们结茧,是因为什么? 是时间形成的惯性还是缺乏打破一切的勇气?似乎更多是为了在其中安睡。只有在茧丝中被寸步难行后,我们才开始寻求破茧而出的可能。
In an age where personality are increasingly popular, everyone is weaving a cocoon of "personality" around themselves. Labels like MBTI personality types have become the calling cards we exchange and receive in social interactions. The emergence of big data, personalized recommendations, and artificial intelligence acts like an automatic cocooning machine, rapidly enveloping us. While we complain about the existence of these cocoons, we never stop producing them. If silkworms spin cocoons to transform into butterflies, then why do we create our own cocoons? Is it the inertia of time or a lack of courage to break free? It seems more likely that we do so to sleep peacefully within them. Only when we find ourselves trapped and unable to move within these silk threads do we begin to seek a way to break free.
Sam Xing’s work *Staring at Me* creates a game with red strings and bells. When we touch the red string, the bell rings, drawing the gaze of others. The height of the red string is personalized for each individual; a red string that lies across the path of an adult might require a child to jump to reach it. However, everyone faces their own red string. Since its existence is inevitable, how do we cross it? Guo Xuran’s art is an ongoing journey of cocooning and breaking free. The twisted forms created by the tension between external pressures and self-imposed violence achieve a dynamic balance. This distorted mode of existence constantly reminds us whether we have inadvertently become unrecognizable. The Tubner‘s cubic have always been a exploring medium for Cao Kai. A packaged parcel within a cube should theoretically be delivered to its intended destination, but when the recipient doesn't exist, the orderly rules seem helpless in the face of such a common parcel, creating an absurdity akin to an "outsider." When established rules no longer apply, what remains will face an unknown fate. For Tao Siwei, cocooning or breaking free don't seem to be considerations; lying sprawled in the cocoon, finding joy within it, appears to be her primary interest. Every utensil we use during meals, every strawberry we eat—these everyday objects, often overlooked, are observed and rediscovered by Tao Siwei.
In this era where personality is used as advertising, we fail to realize that standardized talents and normalized personalities are not imposed by the outside world, but are choices we have made ourselves. The idea of breaking free from the surrounding cocoon threads may be thrilling, but when we struggle to fly out, what lies outside is unknown. When everything is uncertain, with no trace to follow and nowhere to go, continuing to weave may become our only option.
Xihai Ge
Closing Personalized Recommendation
葛洗海 Xihai Ge
曹恺 Kai Cao
陶思维 Siwei Tao
邢广远 Sam Xing
郭栩然 Xuran Guo
开幕时间/Opening Reception
2024.8.17 15:30
2024.8.17 - 9.15
RCM Gallery
43th floor Celebrity City Hotel Nanjing,No.30 Zhongshan North Road
Selected works
曹恺 红标魔方
硫酸纸打印照片 2024
郭栩然 Exulansis
布面油彩 96×182cm 2024
陶思维 Mmm...
布面丙烯 200×200cm 2023
邢广远 父亲的太湖石
布面油画 183×152cm 2024
葛洗海 Xihai Ge
Born in Nanjing, lives in New York.
曹恺 Kai Cao
As a contemporary artist and researcher,Kai Cao’s work encompasses experimental film, video art, documentary, and new media art, with activities including creation, curation, and scholarly writing. In recent years, they have served as a consultant for the Newcastle Chinese Independent Film Archive (2019-2023), Chair of the Jury at the North American Youth International Film Festival (Seattle, 2021-2022), Final Jury Member at the 3rd Fenach Animation Week (2021), Jury Member for the China Section of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in Germany (2022), and Academic Host for the Nantou Image Review Conference in Shenzhen (2021).
郭栩然 Xuran Guo
Born in Guangzhou, China, Xuran Guo earned a degree from the Royal College of Art in 2024 and currently lives and works in London, UK. Her work deconstructs and reshapes her inner world and physical body, authentically presenting her personal challenges with violence and body image on the canvas.
陶思维 Siwei Tao
生于江苏南京,本硕毕业于伦敦艺术大学坎伯韦尔学院。自由插画师/ 艺术家/ Trivia Studio主理人之一。擅长运用综合材料探索肌理并结合抽象的诗意进行创作。
Born in Nanjing, she graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree from Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London. She is a freelance illustrator, artist, and one of the main managers of Trivia Studio. She excels in exploring textures using mixed materials and combining them with abstract poetic elements in her creations.
邢广远 Sam Xing
Born in Nantong, China, and educated at Parsons School of Design, Sam Xing currently lives and works in New York. Xing is an interdisciplinary artist engaged in installation art, video, painting, sculpture, and calligraphy. His work explores the relationships between emotion, memory, space, and abstraction through extensive experimentation.