

* 最终文意请以英文原稿为主


The intention of this short essay is to convey some contrasts between Asian students (particularly Chinese students) and students in the English-speaking world. Given a length of the order of eighteen hundred words, the essay does not intend to be exhaustive but does intend to offer some insights into cultural and educational practices.


Internet sites such as YouTube have rather crude or overgeneralised comparisons between western and Chinese cultural perspectives. The West, certainly since the end of World War II, has promoted individualism a the (so called) nuclear-family at the expense of extended family relations or indeed moral themes that can be observed in the Ancient Greek or Roman plays. To a large extent the conduct of the individual in Asia still has a bearing on the reputation of the family. To this end, largely, Asian children have an awareness to the extent that their behaviour affects them and their wider social interactions; particularly family interactions. The microcosm of this contrast is often witnessed in the classrooms of the respective regions; the West and Asia.


For the English-speaking world The Elementary Education Act of 1870 and sometimes referred to as Forster's Act came into effect in England. The school boards, established by the Act eventually imposed prescribed "standards" that were to be attained from ages 7-8 to 12-13. There were six standards, numbered 1-6, and corresponded to a school year where standard 1 was directed to seven year old children. This method of education continued into the late 1970s for Australia and New Zealand. However, it was common for children in the British Empire (as it was then) to commence school at age five.


Having completed the fourth standard it was typical for children, at age 11 from 1900-1930, to leave school numerate and literate. Secondary education became free and compulsory for two years from about 1936 for the British Empire. The initial Acts of parliament, of the House of Commons (London) prescribed education to be compulsory, secular and free but only for primary-standard education and this aspect continued across the Empire. The system was far from perfect but the system of standards (to be attained each year) was effective and measurable. From the early 1980s the effectiveness of education within the English-speaking West declined in large measure.


Nowadays, from the year 2000, it is entirely possible for a student in the English-speaking world to complete primary school (age 12-13) and remain only semi-literate or barely literate and numerate. This condition can continue through the highschool years for a given student. As conveyed, half a century ago, for New Zealand, Australia and the USA such a situation would have been the exception. In the case of Australia all State departments of education recognise the (so called) "Crisis of Literacy". A recent report from the Grattan Institute shows that a third of Australian children cannot read proficiently1. A google search of "crisis of literacy [country]" will yield similar results. By comparison "The People's Republic of China's overall literacy rate reached 99.8% in 2021. Adult literacy in China, defined as literacy in those aged 15 and above was measured at 97% in 2020 by the World Bank. Youth literacy, defined as literacy in those aged 15-24, was 100% since 2010 and remained so in 20202".



中西方对比(Some Comparisons)

It is said with some justification that Asian students are passive learners3.By utilising the word 'passive'it is intended to convey that lessons are teacher-centred (or teacher-directed). Asian students typically do not ask questions in class although as their confidence with the teacher and subject increases the students do often become more forthright. Alternatively, it is often said that Western education promotes critical thinking4 . Yet, it is far from apparent that critical thinking is a Western concept5.


Relating passive attitudes to Confucianism would take this paper too far afield but Asian classroom behaviour, from South Korea to Malaysia does seem to have some basis as Kang & Chang (2016) illustrate. Nevertheless a few remarks are warranted.


The paper by Bahtilla & Hu (2021) attempts to explore the educational thought of Confucius and its influence on the contemporary educational system in China. Confucius advocated for education for all which was an objective of Communism for both China and Russia. Confucianism is concerned with moral development, obedience, and social organization for a community and these principles are influential in contemporary Chinese society which extends to education. Thus the values of duty and loyalty (filialityin the case of parenting) are cultivated in the Chinese curriculum which is very nationalistic.


The emphasis on moral development includes respect for elders and authority which establishes a social harmony from the perspective of Confucianism. The pursuit of knowledge is an obligation for the advancement of the community and for personal (moral) development.


As to individual student needs (even appealing to a Confucian context) overall, one has to appreciate the relationship between a student's competence in English and their perception of their competence. In particular, there is the Asian perspective of "face". Asian students are much more adverse to their own mistakes, in a classroom, than are Western students. This reality can be accommodated by the teacher refraining from open-ended questions where a question may be addressed from multiple contexts. A question of the form "what do you think of geography" (or any other subject) is not particularly useful in an Asian classroom. Questions such as "what are some advantages of understanding geography" tend to be better suited to any classroom situation.


The contrast continues with the assertion, along with critical thinking, that Western education encourages active learning inasmuch as students are expected to participate actively in the classroom via class and group discussions. There reality is not so delineated. Not all students in the West enjoy group work and similarly for Asian students6 . For technical topics a teacher-directed strategy has its place. Overall, the educational comparison turns on the content of the syllabus. In the case of the A2 syllabus for A-Level the material is at university standard and is typically taught as it would be at a British university.


Although Western educational systems claim to encourage creative and critical thinking skills these terms tend to remain undefined. Assessment criteria for student work such as "critically analyses" or "logically analyses" seldom provide a quantitative means of division and therefore the discretion for such criteria often resides with the teacher concerned. In the case of Asian schools there is an emphasis on rote learning and memorisation which has the virtue of constructing a body of facts for the student. For those Asian students who are sufficiently prepared for further education at a foreign university, their body of facts acquired in middle school yields dividends and they are typically considered more productive and conscientious.


Some decades ago it was fashionable in Western education to claim that facts were redundant and that anything could be researched (looked-up if one prefers) on-line. The implicit assumption was that Western students would be able to identify the important from the unimportant irrespective of their quantity of factual knowledge. One has only to appeal to the populist mentality of social media to appreciate that the implicit assumption was never warranted.


With the exception of the Philippines, whose successive governments have offered little inland reform or the amelioration of poverty, a clear acknowledgement by the west cannot be denied for the economic growth and political stability that Asia as experienced without resorting to concessions of social liberalism that Western sphere insist are necessary for prosperity and stability. In point of fact one as only to illustrate the copious instances of outright poverty that exist in Canada and the USA to refute the underpinning assumption.


一些实用的亚洲教室创新(Some Practical Classroom Innovations for Asia)

There exist a number of studies that pertain to group or student interactive work but the sample sizes tend to be small and differences with respect to gender or age are not clearly apparent. As to group work, where there is to be some form of assessment, the undertaking may create similar anxieties to being asked a question directly by a teacher. However, group work may be introduced for a specified short interval with a single task or objective. The results of the interaction of one group may be compared to those of another group. Guidance, from the teacher, ought to be provided to ensure that each group is approaching the task systematically and for the same objective.


As competence and comprehension increases assessments may take the form of essays or oral presentations or a group collage for agiven topic. These modes of assessment may be extended to debates or seminar discussions where there may be an overall consensus but the details of the consensus may differ.


For those Asian students who at about age 14 anticipate a Western education (such as IB or A-Level) their capacity to organise and synthesise information ought to begin at about age 12. Providing students with a range of sources and activities will develop higher-order analysis of problems that are presented to them. However, the change of emphasis from one form to another is a step-by-step process.



A naive conclusion might assert that Western education is student-centred whereas Asian education is teacher- centred. The objective of Western educational systems may well be to encourage creative and critical thinking skills but it doesn't follow that such objectives are realised. In the case of South Australia there area number of final-year subjects that do not require an exam or any great standard of numeracy or literacy. Half a century ago, all final-year school subjects were examinable and the students had to adhere to correct punctuation and grammar. In the case for Asia becoming acquainted with a body of facts for its own sake is rather desirable.


A slightly more realistic assessment between Western and Asian education would include the (relatively recent, post WW2) traits of individualism and hence the encouragement of direct questions along with a sense of personal freedom. The principal characteristic of a democracy is the right of different views to exist. As for Asian education, typically, the emphasis is on one's family or work group which sets a priority on collectivism. Social harmony is an inherent objective and that objective results in communication of an indirect nature. Yet a mixture of traditional Chinese schooling and a Western curriculum is entirely feasible.


1.Grattan Institute 11Feb24

2.Wikipedia "Literacy in China”


4.google for examples


6.Kee-Kuok Wong, J 2004


1.Bahtilla, M;. Xu H. 2021 The Influence of Confucius’s Educational Thoughts on China’s Educational System"

2.Open Access Library Journal, Vol.8 No.5, 2021 doi: 10.4236/oalib.1107370.

3.Kang, H., & Chang, B. 2016 Examining Culture’s Impact on the Learning Behaviours of International Students from Confucius Culture Studying in Western Online Learning Context. Journal of International Students, 6, 779-797.


4.Kee-Kuok Wong, J 2004 Are the Learning Styles of Asian International Students Culturally or Contextually Based? International Education Journal Vol 4, No 4, 2004


5.Qu Linxin et al 2024 The Role of Chinese Philosophy in the Education System of China

6.Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024) DOI:


7.Watson, D. 2015 Is critical thinking a Western concept? British Council https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/critical-thinking-western-concept


9.https://www.teluq.ca/lin4015/modules/m4/m4_2_2_t3.pdf (1)


The Author:Kyle Hargraves

Kyle Hargraves grew up in New Zealand but has spent most of his life in Australia. He has visited many countries and taught AP and A-Level physics, maths and economics along with some history and chemistry in China for a decade. The last job in Asia was teaching statistics at a university in Vietnam during the first year of Covid-19.

Kyle has a number of majors (BA & BSc) along with post graduate degrees in Business, IT and Education. He also has a master in International Relations and a second master in Applied Mathematics. He has had careers in business analysis, IT, aviation (Operations Manager and pilot) and teaching.

The principal motivation for writing articles, for which he as been engaged for some time, is to correct perceptions that the West has towards Asia and to provide some information for Asian audiences regarding Western living.

作者:Kyle Hargraves
