Heroes come from the people|Scoring Seven Perfect Scores Yet Again


Scoring Seven Perfect Scores Yet Again

翻译 吴嘉雯 刘诗雨 方丽华(湖北大学)

Translators: Wu Jiawen, LiuShiyu, Fang Lihua (Hubei University)


On August 6th, the diving event at the Paris Olympics was underway at the Aquatics Centre. During the finals for the Women’s 10-meterplatformdiving, Chinese diver Quan Hongchan defended her title as reigning world champion, making this China’s 22nd gold medal for the Chinese delegationat the Paris Olympics. Meanwhile, fellow delegate Chen Yuxi wonthe silver medal for the same event. The Chinese diving team has so far hauled 5 gold medals from the Paris Games. Notably, for Quan’s first dive, all seven judges awarded her a perfect score of 10! Over the three-year period from the Tokyo Olympics to the ParisOlympics, both athletes encounteredsignificant challenges.

全红婵在比赛中(新华社发)【Quan Hongchan in action (Photographed by Xinhua News Agency)】


207C and aChampion for a Coach


Quan Hongchan has grown 7 centimeters in heightand gained 6 kilogramsin weight. Her previous strength is no longer sufficient for her toexecute technical maneuvers. So she needstargeted exercises to increase overall fitness and muscle strength. However, this increase in exercise mayincrease the possibilityof injuries.


Olympic diving champion Chen Ruolin became Quan’s head coach. Initially unfamiliar with each other, Chen and Quan needed to adapt toeach other. In Chen’s view, even a genius must make an effort, otherwise, theirsuccess will be short lived.Quansaid, “If I don’t perform well, Coach Chen gets frustrated, but she also carefully guides me on where I went wrong.”


After the Tokyo Games, Quanstruggled to performthe 207C(backward somersault with three and a half twists in a tuck position).Previously, she could easily perform two rotations, but with her increase in height and weight, her dives became less seamless.While she was remarkable in the preliminaries, her performance in the finals took a turn for worse.For a period of time, Quanconsidered giving up. Chen, on the other hand, spent sleepless nights reviewing Quan’s performances in an attempt to pinpoint where exactly the problem stemmed.


At the World Championships in Qatar, Quan won the 10-meter platform championship and executed the207C flawlessly.However, in the World Cup Finals in Xi’an, she fumbled that same dive.Quan said: “In the past, every time I did 2 rounds of the 207C, I would get nervous because I wanted to do it well. Now, when I step on the platform for the 207C, I don’t get that nerve wrecking feeling anymore.”


Taking online English courses outside training


Compared with Quan,Chen Yuxi’s changes have been more psychological. During the preparations for Paris 2024, Chen Yuxi celebrated her 18th birthday. Within the national team for the divingevent, she is considered a seasoned longtime diver and big sister by her teammates. Her father, Chen Jian, stated his daughter would inform him and her mother that sheis now a legal adult, who no longer needs her parents to provide her with a guardianship certificatewhen she attends competitions, ora coach to act as a guardian.”


Chen Jian realizes that his daughter isnow entering a phase of maturity in her athletic career. Sheactively communicates with the coach to understand the purpose behind the training, completing her tasks with utmost finesse. Yu Xiaoling, who has coached Chen Yuxi since childhood and is now her head coach inthe national team, described Yuxi as an incrediblysmartathlete who uses her brainto train, yet she also secretly puts pressure on herself.Yu Xiaolingsaid, “Because she didn’t defend her title at the Qatar World Championships, she went back and reviewed her performance during the competition. This will be good for her during future competitions.”


Chen Yuxi also talked to her parents and realized that the Tokyo Olympics, a small part of her life, are long gone, and she still has a long way to goin life, just like her idolXia(Wu Minxia), whowon medals for four consecutive Olympic Games.Chen said, “After experiencing a new cycle of training for various competitions around the world, shenow hasa deeper understanding of the Olympic Games and feelsthat their significance is different.”


What’s even more remarkable is that Chen Yuxi has not neglected her studies outside her training and competitions. The national team has an intensive training routine which only endsat 7 or 8 p.m.Tired, Chen returns to her dormitory at 9:30 p.m. after undergoing recovery physiotherapy, butshestill manages to make time for online English courses. She states, “learning Englishwell will be useful in the future.”

来源:综合人民日报客户端 央视新闻 新民晚报

Source: People’s Daily, CCTV News, Xinmin Evening News


