


Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:Underground Garage Music Space


Underground Garage Music Space

图/楚天都市报极目新闻记者 邹斌 实习生 陈夏诗语 李梁玉

Pictures/Jimu News Reporter:Zou Bin

Interns:Chen Xiashiyu, Li Liangyu

文/楚天都市报极目新闻记者 叶文波 通讯员 战艺 易卓立

Jimu News Reporter: Ye Wenbo

Correspondents:Zhanyi, Yi Zhuoli


Translators: Zhang Jiayu, Wang Junlin, Xu Zhou (Hubei University)


Recently, Jimu News reporter came to the Donghuyayuan Community in Heping Street, Hongshan, Wuhan. From the moment he entered the underground garage of residential building No. 14, a melodious sound of a cucurbit flute graced his ears. It was 64-year-old Tian Jianchang, who was leading several residents in a performance of their favourite tunes.

地下车库音乐空间,居民载歌载舞 Residents sing and dance in the underground garage music space


Tian previously worked as a cleaner in the Donghuyayuan Community, responsible for cleaning the underground garage. When he arrived here for work four years ago, he often played the harmonica by himself after work. Hearing the beautiful music coming out of the underground garage, some music lovers later joined him. Today, the small corner of the underground garage has become a “music space” for music enthusiasts in the community.

音乐空间里的学习气氛浓厚 Residents gather around eager to learn new music skills


This humble “music space” is filled with items Tian has collected over the years, among them is a slightly askew mirror, cracked footstool, and dimmed lamp, to name but a few. “These items seem a little bit worn out, but they work perfectly fine.” One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, just like that, Tian has converted a once dim corner of the underground garage into a well-equipped “music studio”.

田爹爹的口琴独奏深受大家喜欢 Tian Jianchang’s harmonica solo receives positive feedback

地下车库一角,被打造成音乐空间 A corner of the underground garage has been converted into a music space


In his younger years, Tian was a passionate music lover. He taught himself how to play musical instruments such as the harmonica, electronic keyboard, guitar, cucurbit flute, and transverse flute, etc. He can even play the keyboard and harmonica at the same time.

小区里不少孩子在这里接受音乐熏陶 Kids from the neighborhood have gradually been introduced to the ins and outs of music


As more residents in the community learn about Tian’s story, the “music space” has gradually morphed into a community favorite relaxation and entertainment spot. To date, more than 10 residents have learned music from Tian, and some parents even bring their children here to learn music.

有共同音乐爱好的居民常聚在一起 Residents with a common love for music often get together


“Music bridges our friendship, but it also adds excitement to our mundane lives.”Resident Wu Jun learned to play the cucurbit flute from Tian last year. Now, he can play a variety of songs in their entirety.


