公告:外汇天眼任命Raymond Zheng为海外商务总监


外汇天眼(WikiFX)非常高兴能够邀请到Raymond Zheng加盟天眼团队,任海外商务总监(CBO),全面负责制定海外公司组织结构和管理体系、发展战略规划、业务发展计划等。

We are proudly announced Mr. Raymond Zhen has been appointed to be WikiFX CBO. His major role is to planand establish the organization structure, management system, business development strategy, business development plan etc..


Raymond Zheng专注金融服务行业多年,拥有超过8年的财务管理经验和12年的销售经验,多年的从业经历使其有着出色的市场洞察力和卓越的团队领导力。

Raymond Zheng brings in rich and valuable experiences, market insight and excellent leadership skills to WikiFX. He has worked in financial field for many years,including over 8 years in financial management & 12 years in sales. 



Graduated from Kingsborough Community College with major in computer science, Raymond continued his study at Zicklin School of Business of Baruch College and got the BBA degree major in financeand investment. He was the active member of Society of Finance & Economy in the College which had already laid a strong foundation for his career path.

加盟外汇天眼前,Raymond曾任Forex Club区域销售主管、Alpari区域总监、Amana Capital中国区总监。在职期间,先后将当时已宣告破产的Alpari以及还未在中国开展业务的Amana Capital从零开始成功带入中国市场,是引领两家经纪商首度在中国进行业务推广的第一人。在多年从业经历中,Raymond Zheng出色完成了建立并监督管理多支销售团队,制定高效培训计划,长期维持对高净值,高价值客户的持续支持等多项业务。

Prior to joining WikiFX, Raymond was in a management position of vovarious reputable finance companies, such as the Regional Sales Director of Forex Club, Regional Director of Alpari, Director (China) of Amana Capital. Asthe first man who led two brokers to promote business in China, Raymand helped Alpari that had been declared bankrupt and startup Amana Capital enter into Chinese Market successfully. Mr. Raymond Zheng had shown his talent and passion in accomplishing all the jobs successful, such as building and managing numerous sales teams, planning high effective training program, building a constructive client relation to maintain the high net-worth, high value business for their previous companies.

外汇天眼(WikiFX)相信,Raymond Zheng的加盟,会极大地提升天眼的综合管理水平和商务实力,他将和现有团队一起把外汇天眼从一家优秀的中国公司提升为一家卓越的世界级公司!外汇天眼(WikiFX)开拓国际外汇市场,服务于全球汇民的发展之路是公司未来最重要的战略方向,而要更好的实现这一战略目标,就需要不断吸引世界级一流人才。Raymond Zheng的加盟将极大地确保这一战略得以实现,帮助外汇天眼在外汇媒体领域奠定全球领先地位,成为真正能够向国际外汇市场提供优质服务的大数据公司。

WikiFX believes Mr. Raymond Zheng will definitely strengthen our company capability of integrated management and business capacity; together with our current elite team, WikiFX would soon become one of the leading company worldwide. WikiFX strives to provide quality service for the global investors as our primary goal and also becomes a major international media in Forex industry. Recruitment of elite worldwide would be our distinctive strategy to achieve this goal. The joining of Mr. Raymond Zheng is the example of our corporate strategy, enabling WikiFX to be the leading Forex and Finance media in global market, and also making us to be a quality and reliable big data and information provider for global investors.
