MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage



本季的MAYALI透过针织提花、成衣喷绒等多种工艺,透过提花纱线的渐变衬托线条,在不同品类中勾勒出了诱惑之美。解构主义也延伸至牛仔、卫衣等轻松舒适的品类,在表象的游戏中穷尽自我。与此同时,本系列的LOOKBOOK拍摄与 DESIGNATOR AI工作室合作,采用了AI技术生成了水光涟漪下摇曳生姿的效果,更为生动地描绘了镜花水月的意境。

"Temptation expresses control over the symbolic world, while power onlyexpresses control over the real world." Temptation overrides power,forming an abyss of regnum and domination through the surface games.As one of the most famous seducers in mythology, the Siren symbolizesthe irresistible unexpected beauty in life. It also explains the underlyingmeanings of women and water, both as the carrier of life, representingthe relationship between life and danger. In ancient culture, beautifulwomen are often interpreted as "Helen of Troy", implying a complexsocial psychology of fear under the power of giving life. In Baudrillard'swork Temptation, femininity and temptation achieve a true unity. After all,"the woman in the water" and "the moon in the mirror" are perhaps notan illusion, but the most truthful world we should pursue.

This season's MAYALI applies techniques such as knitting jacquard,printing, and garment spraying,though the gradient of yearn, to outline the beauty of temptation in various categories. Deconstruction alsoextends to more casual categories such as jeans and sweatshirts. Byimplementing such design language, the collection encourages theexhaustion of true-self in the game of appearance. At the same time, thiscollection also collaborated with the DESIGNATOR AI, using AI technology to generate the effect of postures under the ripples of water,to depict the conception of Flowing Mirage.

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage

MAYALI:SPRING/SUMMER 2024——镜花水月Flowing Mirage
