2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)

2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)

53 Must-Watch TV Shows In 2022

如果您认为 2021 年是令人难以置信的“电视大年”,那么您还什么都没看到。 2022 年的“小屏幕计划”看起来已经非常满了,在接下来的 12 个月里会有大量新的原创系列、改编和热门回归。 内容变得越来越丰富,流媒体领域将变得更加紧张和庞大,派拉蒙+将于今年夏天在英国推出,而广播公司 ITV 今年也将转向数字优先的方式。 与以往一样,Pilot TV 播客将在这里帮助您浏览无尽的新剧集并找出值得观看的内容 - 但与此同时,为了让您对即将到来的电视节目感到兴奋,这里有53个电视剧在2022年是值得期待的。

If you thought 2021 was a mega year for incredible telly, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The small screen schedule for 2022 is looking absolutely stacked already, with a plethora of new original series, adaptations and returning favourites to get stuck into over the next 12 months. The content is coming thick and fast, and the streaming landscape is set to get more intense and unwieldy, with Paramount+ due to launch here in the UK at some point this summer, and broadcaster ITV moving to a digital-first approach this year too. As ever, the Pilot TV podcast will be here to help you wade through the endless new episodes and figure out what’s worth watching – but, in the meantime, to help get you excited for the televisual delights to come, here’s 53 shows to look forward to in 2022.


2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)


The Midwich Cuckoos

约翰·温德姆的经典小说外星人通过受精入侵以及由此产生的怪异、坚忍、发型奇特、具有特殊能力的孩子——曾经由约翰·卡彭特搬上银幕。 这个现代版本由马克斯·比斯雷和凯丽·霍威主演,承诺故事将精彩上演,同时希望保持原著如此有效地唤起的令人毛骨悚然的紧张感。

John Wyndham's classic novel of alien invasion via fertilisation and the resulting crop of weird, stoic, oddly hair-styled children with special powers has been brought to the screen before — once by John Carpenter. This modern-day version, starring Max Beesley and Keeley Hawes, promises to bring the story bang up to date while hopefully maintaining the creepy tension that the original book conjures so effectively.


2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)


The Offer

它可能是历史上最受欢迎的电影杰作之一,但弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的犯罪经典电影《教父》的制作绝非易事。“参与其中”由 迈尔斯·特勒、丹·福勒、朱诺·坦普尔、马修·古迪和吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西主演,描绘了这部1972年的电影中选角和制作遇到的麻烦,以及现实中真的黑手党的参与。 它将于 4 月在新的流媒体Paramount+ 上发布,并将在今年晚些时候提供给现有的 Sky 订阅者。 无论什么时候到来,都会是我们无法拒绝的电视剧。

It may be one of the most beloved cinematic masterpieces in history, but the making of Francis Ford Coppola's crime classic The Godfather was anything but easy. Starring Miles Teller, Dan Fogler, Juno Temple, Matthew Goode and Giovanni Ribisi, The Offer charts the troublesome casting and production of the 1972 film, as well as the real-life mafia involvement. It's set for an April release on new streaming service Paramount+ across the pond, which will be available to existing Sky subscribers later in the year. Whenever it arrives, it'll be a TV show we can't refuse.


2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)



随着 10 集《女浩克》系列的上映,漫威宇宙的“大型绿色英雄”配额将翻倍,“变色龙”一样的“黑色孤儿”明星塔提阿娜·玛斯拉尼将扮演珍妮弗·沃特斯的角色,他是热门律师也是布鲁斯·班纳的表妹,后来她需要输血来获得浩克般的力量。 鲁弗洛将作为伽马增强天才出现,蒂姆·罗斯将作为对手“憎恶”返回漫威宇宙——但鉴于最后一个布鲁斯·班纳遇得到的角色是由爱德华·诺顿扮演的,看来有一些多元变体的疯狂在起作用……

The MCU's 'big green hero' quota is set to double with the release of 10-part series She-Hulk, with chameleonic Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany taking on the role of Jennifer Walters, hotshot lawyer and cousin of Bruce Banner, who acquires the latter's Hulk-like powers after needing a blood transfusion. Ruffalo will appear as the gamma-enhanced genius, and Tim Roth will be returning to the MCU as antagonist The Abomination – but given the last Bruce Banner he encountered was played by Edward Norton, it appears there's some multiversal variant madness at play…


2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)


The Suspect

这部新的心理惊悚片由“波尔达克”的艾丹·特纳主演,讲述的是一位社区英雄和表面上成功的医生乔,后来一名年轻女子在附近的墓地被发现死亡(可能是谋杀,也可能是自杀),乔的秘密就有了会被泄露出去的危险。 加入特纳的是 “伦敦生活”最受欢迎的茜安·克利福德和“小斧子”的明星肖恩·帕克斯,以及之前的工作包括“重任在肩”和“不眠”的制作团队。这部片肯定会让我们坐在沙发上。

Starring Poldark's Aidan Turner, this new psychological thriller is about community hero and outwardly successful doctor Joe, whose secrets come spilling out after a young woman is discovered dead – could be murder, could be suicide – at a nearby cemetery. Joining Turner are Fleabag fave Sian Clifford and Small Axe star Shaun Parkes, and with a production team whose previous work includes Line Of Duty and Vigil, it's sure to have us on the edge of our sofas.


2022 年必看的 53 部电视剧(下)


The Witcher: Blood Origin

向你的前传扔硬币? 亨利·卡维尔退出了Netflix奇幻热门剧的衍生系列,这一次的背景设定在猎魔人开始甩动他银发1200年前。该节目的六集探索了导致创建第一个巫师、一个古老的精灵文明的事件以及最初将所有怪物带出的灾难性事件。 焦点是索菲亚·布朗饰演的战士变身吟游诗人 Éile,杨紫琼也在着手一些任务。

Toss a coin to your prequel? Henry Cavill sits out this spin-off series to the Netflix fantasy hit, which is set 1200 years before Geralt started flinging his silver locks hither and yon. The show's six episodes explore events leading to the creation of the first Witcher, an ancient elven civilization and the cataclysmic event that brought all the monsters forth in the first place. The focus is Sophia Brown's warrior-turned-minstrel Éile, with Michell Yeoh also on-hand for some questing.



The Control Room

这部以格拉斯哥为背景的惊悚片讲述了加布(由神盾局特工明星伊恩·德·卡斯泰克饰演),他是救护车服务的紧急呼叫处理人员,当他接到一个似乎认识他的女人的绝望电话时,他的世界陷入了混乱。 当盖布试图弄清楚她是谁时,毁灭性的后果开始显现。 乔安娜·范德汉姆将扮演神秘的来电者,其他配角包括《肥瑞的疯狂日记》的莎朗·鲁尼、“不眠”的丹尼尔·波特曼和“重任在肩”的塔伊·阿特沃尔。

This Glasgow-set thriller follows Gabe (played by Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Iain De Caestecker), an emergency call handler for the ambulance service whose world is thrown into chaos when he receives a desperate call from a woman who seems to know him. As Gabe tries to figure out who she is, devastating consequences unfold. Joanna Vanderham will play the mysterious caller, with other supporting cast members including My Mad Fat Diary's Sharon Rooney, Vigil's Daniel Portman and Line of Duty's Taj Atwal.




明星迭戈·卢纳将其描述为关于“一场革命的建设”的系列剧,“星球大战:侠盗一号”前传“安多”(不是和/或)将跟随卢纳饰演的名义英雄,在他叛乱早期的当间谍期间。 “星球大战:侠盗一号”的联合编剧托尼·吉尔罗伊掌舵,尼古拉斯·布里特尔作曲,斯特兰·斯卡斯加德、福雷斯特·惠特克和阿德里亚·阿霍纳领衔的庞大的配角阵容,这部被戏称为带有黑暗边缘的间谍惊悚片的节目将与“欧比旺”一起,尽最大努力弥补“波巴·费特之书”。

Described by star Diego Luna as a series about "the building of a revolution", Rogue One prequel Andor (not And/Or) will follow Luna's titular hero during his time as a spy in the Rebellion's early years. With Rogue One co-writer Tony Gilroy at the helm, Nicholas Britell composing, and Stellan Skarsgard, Forrest Whittaker, and Adria Arjona leading a stacked supporting cast, the show – teased as a spy thriller with a dark edge – will, along with Obi-Wan, do its damndest to make up for The Book Of Boba Fett.



SAS:Rouge Heroes

行业中最多产的电视作家之一史蒂文·奈特 (SAS: Rogue Heroes) 的新项目是对 SAS 在二战期间如何形成的戏剧化的记事。 故事背景设定在 1941 年的开罗,讲述的是年轻的军官大卫·斯特林(“性爱自修室”的康纳·斯温德尔斯饰)想出一个计划,为一支小型卧底部队招募最勇敢、最优秀的士兵,以便在敌后制造混乱。 演员阵容还包括杰克·奥康奈尔、阿尔菲·艾伦、索菲亚·波多拉和多米尼克·韦斯特。

A new project from one of the most prolific TV writers in the game, Steven Knight, SAS: Rogue Heroes is a dramatised account of how the SAS was formed during World War II. Set in Cairo, 1941, it follows David Stirling (Sex Education's Connor Swindells), a young officer who comes up with a plan to recruit the boldest and best soldiers for a small undercover unit to sow chaos behind enemy lines. The cast also includes Jack O'Connell, Alfie Allen, Sofia Boutella and Dominic West.



The Flight Attendant Season 2

HBO Max的喜剧谋杀之谜系列对于新近演员凯莉·库柯在“生活大爆炸”结束后来说是一个重要的热门。 第一季改编了克里斯·博雅里安的流行小说,让节目统筹史蒂文·约基继续为下一批剧集创作一个全新的原创故事。 另一起谋杀案,另一场国际阴谋……同样的事情怎么会发生在同一个空姐身上两次? 一切都将会在适当的时候揭晓。 新演员包括“星际迷航:皮卡德”的桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉,以及库柯疏远的妈妈莎朗·斯通。

HBO Max's comedy murder mystery series was a critical hit for the newly post-Big Bang Theory Kaley Cuoco. The first season adapted the popular novel by Chris Bohjalian, leaving showrunner Steve Yockey to forge ahead with a new, original story for the next batch of episodes. Another murder, another international intrigue… How can the same shit happen to the same flight attendant twice? All will be revealed in due course. The new cast includes Picard's Santiago Cabrera, and Sharon Stone as Cuoco's estranged mom.



The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power

你会如何制作下一部“权力的游戏”? 如果你是Amazon,答案很简单——花费 10 亿美元在第一部“指环王”电视剧。 维斯特洛和异鬼已经出局,中土世界和索伦的优势在于这部奢华的第二纪元制作。联合节目统筹帕特里克·麦凯说到其目的是提供托尔金从未写过的小说,成为只有今天才有可能的巨制节目 . 是的,请!

How do you make the next Game Of Thrones? If you're Amazon, the answer's simple - spend $1 billion on the first ever Lord Of The Rings TV series. Westeros and White Walkers are out, Middle-Earth and Sauron's ascendancy are in for this lavish Second Age-set production, which co-showrunner Patrick McKay says aims to offer the novel Tolkien never wrote as the kind of mega-event show only possible today. Yes please!



Derry Girls Season 3

感觉就像我们已经等待了丽莎·麦吉的青少年蠢事回归几十年了。 虽然演员阵容已经在其他地方已经出现(“布里奇顿”!烘烤!),但得知艾琳、奥拉、米歇尔、克莱尔和詹姆斯今年将重返我们的银幕,这让我们松了一口气——他们应该没有在途中搞砸。 没有人说剧情会是什么,但我们可以期待通常的麻烦、迷恋、困惑和错误的假设,这使得该剧可以w如此无休止地观看和有趣。

It feels like we've been waiting decades for the return of Lisa McGee's teenage eejits. And while the cast has been popping up elsewhere (Bridgerton! Bake-Off!), it's a relief to know that Erin, Orla, Michelle, Clare and James will be back on our screens this year – assuming they don't mess something up on the way. Nothing has been said about what the plot will be, but we can expect the usual blend of Troubles, crushes, confusion and wrong-headed assumptions that makes the show so endlessly watchable and funny.



Fleishman Is In Trouble

改编自塔菲·布罗德瑟·阿克纳(他也撰写了剧本)的畅销小说,“福莱斯曼有麻烦了”讲述了最近离婚的托比·福莱斯曼(杰西·艾森伯格)沉浸在单身生活的起起落落中。 然而,在听说他的前妻瑞秋(克莱尔·丹尼斯)失踪后,他不得不重新评估他们的婚姻。 莉齐·卡潘兰饰演托比的老朋友利比,由她讲述故事。 会有关于爱情、婚姻、约会、性别角色和中年危机的精辟评论。

Adapted from the bestselling novel by Taffy Brodesser-Akner (who has also penned the script), Fleishman Is In Trouble follows recently divorced Toby Fleishman (Jesse Eisenberg) as he immerses himself in the ups and downs of single life. However, upon hearing that his ex-wife Rachel (Claire Danes) has gone missing, he's forced to re-evaluate their marriage. Lizzie Caplan stars as Toby's old friend Libby, who narrates the story. Expect incisive commentary on love, marriage, dating, gender roles and mid-life crises.



The English

BBC正在以六集西部系列“英格兰人”前往边境,该剧将由“寂静之地”和 “欢乐满人间2“ 明星艾米莉·布朗特饰演科妮莉亚·洛克,一位英国女性,她前往 1890 年的美国西部寻求报复这个男人,她相信这个男人对她儿子的死负有责任,当他们意识到他们有共同的历史时,她与波尼国家成员伊莱·惠普(暮光之城的 “查斯科·斯宾塞)联手。

The Beeb are heading for the frontier with six-part Western series The English, which will feature A Quiet Place and Mary Poppins Returns star Emily Blunt as Cornelia Locke, an English woman who heads to the American West of 1890 to seek revenge against the man she believes responsible for her son's death, joining forces with Pawnee Nation member Eli Whipp (Twilight's Chaske Spencer) when they realise they share a history.




ITV的这个由四部分组成的系列中,大卫·田纳特扮演前克格勃官员亚历山大·利特维年科,他于 2006 年11月在伦敦被发射性物质钋毒死身亡。臭名昭著的暗杀企图应该会带来一些高度扣人心弦的戏剧,该剧将重点放在苏格兰场的警察以及利特维年科的遗孀玛丽娜(玛格丽塔·列维耶娃饰)多年来一直在努力证明谁对此事负责。

In this four-part series for ITV, David Tennant plays Alexander Litvinenko, the former KGB officer who died after being poisoned with polonium in London in November 2006. The infamous assassination attempt should make for some highly gripping drama, with the show focusing on the years-long effort from police officers at Scotland Yard to prove who was responsible, as well as Litvinenko's widow Marina (played by Margarita Levieva).



The Crown Series 5

皇室的演技阵容再次发生变化,艾美达·斯丹顿饰演女王,乔纳森·普雷斯饰演菲利普亲王,莱丝利·曼维尔饰演玛格丽特公主,多米尼克·韦斯特饰演查尔斯王子,伊丽莎白·德比茨饰演新的戴安娜王妃 . 但我们真的迫不及待地想看看约翰尼·李·米勒作为最新的首相与陛下约翰·梅杰会面时的样子。 期待更多的关于戴安娜的戏剧和通常的闭门争吵。

It's all change once more for the Royal family's acting line-up, as Imelda Staunton steps in as the Queen, Jonathan Pryce plays Prince Philip, Lesley Manville is Princess Margaret, Dominic West shows up as Prince Charles and Elizabeth Debicki is the new Princess Diana. But we really can't wait to see how Johnny Lee Miller looks as the latest PM to meet with her Majesty, John Major. Expect more Diana drama and the usual behind-closed-doors wrangling.




海伦娜·伯翰·卡特出演了这部由女演员诺尔·戈登拍摄的三部传记片。 “诺莉”曾是是 ITV 肥皂剧《十字路口》17 年的明星,然后在神秘而动荡的环境中突然离开。 这部由拉塞尔·T·戴维斯执导的一部“非常有趣且极富娱乐性”新剧,有望在探索“当权者如何利用拒绝遵守规则的女性”的过程中给出答案。

Helena Bonham Carter stars in this three-part biopic of the actress Noele Gordon. 'Nolly' was the star of ITV soap opera Crossroads for 17 years, before leaving suddenly in mysterious and tumultuous circumstances. This new "outrageously fun and wildly entertaining" drama by Russell T. Davies promises answers in the process of exploring "how the establishment turns on women who refuse to play by the rules".



Doomsday Machine

她扮演过女王、公爵夫人和黑客,而现在,在HBO系列世界末日机器中,克莱尔·芙伊将担任Facebook首席运营官雪莉尔·桑德伯格的角色。 该剧改编自《丑陋的真相:Facebook 的统治之战》一书,将触及社交网络不可阻挡的增长追求的人心,并且还将以 Facebook 的创始人马克·扎克伯格为主角——尽管他还没有被选中。

She's played a queen, a duchess and a hacker, and now, in HBO series Doomsday Machine, Claire Foy will take on the role of Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg. Based on the book An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle For Domination, the series will get to the human heart of the social network's unstoppable quest for growth, and will also feature Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg – though he's yet to be cast.


DI Ray

“我爱贝克汉姆”的明星帕敏德·纳格拉在这部由 ITV 制作的四集节目中展现了侦探剧的世界,该剧由“重任在肩”女演员兼编剧玛雅·索地编写,由杰德·默丘里奥的HTM电视台制作。纳格拉将在伯明翰扮演警察 Rachita Ray,她接手了一个案件,迫使她面对她的英国身份和南亚血统之间的个人冲突。

Bend It Like Beckham star Parminder Nagra takes on the world of the detective drama in this four-part show for ITV, written by Line Of Duty actress and screenwriter Maya Sondhi and produced by Jed Mercurio's HTM Television. Set in Birmingham, Nagra will play Rachita Ray, a copper who takes on a case that forces her to confront the personal conflict between her British identity and South Asian heritage.



The Sandman

这当然是成为尼尔·盖曼粉丝的好时机——对他作品的改编,通常在到处可以看到是他作为顾问参与或监督的。 不过,Netflix的“睡魔”系列可能是最令人兴奋的,因为盖曼的漫画创作具有传奇色彩,将神话、神、怪物和魔法编织在一起,讲述了梦之王(由汤姆·斯图里奇饰演)以及他与凡人互动的故事 . 演员阵容也非常梦幻,查尔斯·丹斯、珍娜·科尔曼、大卫·休里斯、格温多兰·克里斯蒂、斯蒂芬·弗雷和柯尔比·豪威尔-巴普蒂斯特都出现了。 电视感觉是这个庞大的奇幻故事的完美场所。

It's certainly a good time to be a Neil Gaiman fan — adaptations of his work, usually with him involved as a consultant or overseeing it, are springing up all over the place. Netflix's The Sandman series is possibly the most exciting, though, since Gaiman's comics creation is legendary, weaving myths, gods, monsters and magic together to tell the story of the Lord of Dreams (here played by Tom Sturridge) and his interactions with mere mortals. The cast is also a dream, with Charles Dance, Jenna Coleman, David Thewlis, Gwendoline Christie, Stephen Fry and Kirby Howell-Baptiste all appearing. TV feels like the perfect place for this sprawling fantasy story.



I Hate Suzie Season 2

这将是比莉·派佩饰演的昔日流行歌星和青少年女演员苏西·派克斯的一次受欢迎的回归,肯定会在演艺圈浅薄和剥削的水域的谈判中荡出更多波浪。 到目前为止,还没有透露第二季的细节,但第一季的线索——包括怀孕、婚姻破裂和对伊朗的挑衅——都在那里有待挖掘。 期待更多的个人混乱、黑色幽默和古怪华丽的衣橱选择。

This will be a welcome comeback for Billie Piper's erstwhile pop star and teen actress Suzie Pickles, sure to be negotiating more waves in the shallow and exploitative waters of showbiz. No details about the second season have been revealed so far, but the threads of Season One – including a pregnancy, a collapsed marriage and an up-sticks to Iran – are all there to be picked up. Expect more personal chaos, dark humour and eccentrically flamboyant wardrobe choices.



Secret Invasion

我们还不确定漫威的秘密入侵系列什么时候播出,但我们所知道的是塞缪尔·杰克逊将重新扮演尼克·弗瑞的角色,本·门德尔森将回归他 “惊奇队长“的角色塔洛斯,它将成为他的人民的中心,变形的斯库鲁人,我们发现他们实际上是强大的克里军队的难民。

We don't know for sure yet when Marvel's Secret Invasion series will air, but what we do know is that Samuel L. Jackson will reprise his role as Nick Fury, Ben Mendelsohn is back as his Captain Marvel character Talos, and it will centre around his people, the shape-shifting Skrulls, who we discovered were actually refugees from the powerful Kree army.



We Are Lady Parts Series 2

在全穆斯林女性的朋克乐队进一步冒险之后,奈达·曼苏的”谷仓风暴“情景喜剧回归。 曼苏承诺,这张屡获殊荣的原作的后续专辑远非困难的第二张专辑,它将“深入乐队的世界,深入他们的生活。期待更多的欢乐、更多的音乐和更多的幻想“航班”。斯巴达!

Nida Manzoor's barnstorming sitcom returns, following the further adventures of the all-female Muslim punk band. Manzoor promises that, far from being a difficult second album, the follow-up to the multi-award-winning original will "delve back into the world of the band and go deeper into their lives. Expect more high jinks, more music, and more flights of fancy. SPARTA!"



Happy Valley Series 3

在备受赞誉的西约克郡犯罪剧系列的第三季也是最后一季中,莎拉·兰开夏儿以警探凯瑟琳·卡伍德的身份回归,这一次她调查了一起黑社会谋杀案,将她带回了她的老对手汤米·李·罗伊斯面前(詹姆斯·诺顿饰演 )。 未公开角色的新演员包括 阿米特·沙阿、莫莉·温纳德和马克·斯坦利。萨利·温莱特一如既往地担任编剧和联合导演。

In the third and final season of the much-lauded West Yorkshire crime drama series, Sarah Lancashire returns as Police Detective Catherine Cawood, this time investigating a gangland murder that brings her back into the orbit of her old adversary, Tommy Lee Royce (James Norton). New cast in undisclosed roles include Amit Shah, Mollie Winnard and Mark Stanley. Sally Wainwright, as ever, writes and co-directs.

