

Steph Curry Joins Shaquille O’Neal as EP of Oscar-Nominated Short ‘The Queen of Basketball’

这部电影在 2021 年翠贝卡电影节上首映,获得了最佳纪录片短片评论家选择奖,目前正在《纽约时报》的网站和 YouTube的频道上播放。

The film premiered at the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, won the best documentary short Critics Choice Award and is currently streaming on the New York Times’ website and YouTube channel.

奥斯卡最佳纪录片短片提名人《篮球女王》周三收到了一些好消息,也就是奥斯卡最终投票开始前一周,《好莱坞报道者》获悉:NBA球星斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)加入了退役NBA传奇人物沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal)的行列,作为本·普劳德福特(Ben Proudfoot)执导的《纽约时报》(New York Times Op Docs)电影的执行制片人。这部影片讲述了 露西娅 '露西'哈里斯的故事,她是一位在 1 月份去世的具有开拓性的女篮运动员。

The Queen of Basketball, a best documentary short Oscar nominee, received some good news on Wednesday, a week ahead of the start of final voting for the Oscars, The Hollywood Reporter has learned: Stephen Curry, the NBA star, has joined Shaquille O‘’Neal, the retired NBA legend, as an executive producer of Ben Proudfoot’s New York Times Op-Docs film about Lusia ‘Lucy’ Harris, a trailblazing women’s basketball player who died in January.

“我们很荣幸能加入“篮球女王”才华横溢的背后团队,并在提升露西·哈里斯开创性的故事中发挥作用,”库里和埃里克·佩顿,“Unanimous Media”的两位联合创始人在一份声明中说。 “露西是篮球运动的真正先驱,也是许多人的灵感来源,她的成就值得被认可。 通过这部引人入胜的主题短片,她的传奇将继续流传并影响全世界的观众。”

“We’re honored to join the talented team behind The Queen of Basketball and play a role in uplifting the story of the trailblazing Lucy Harris,” Curry and Erick Peyton, co-founders of Unanimous Media, said in a statement. “Lucy, a true pioneer in the game of basketball and an inspiration for many, deserves to be recognized for her achievements. Through this compelling short subject documentary, her legacy will continue to live on and impact audiences all over the world.”

奥尼尔补充道:“斯蒂芬·库里是 NBA 最具标志性的球员之一,场上场下都能听到他的声音。 我很高兴他能加入这个团队来帮助让露西娅·哈里斯永垂不朽,又名‘篮球女王’。”

Added O’Neal: “Stephen Curry is one of the NBA’s most iconic players whose voice speaks volumes on and off the court. I’m thrilled to have him join the team to help immortalize Lusia Harris, aka ‘The Queen of Basketball.'”

布莱恩·堂下哲郎·伊维负责管理库里和佩顿不断壮大的纪录片部门,他在南加州大学第一次见到了普鲁富特,并让这部电影引起了库里的注意。 伊维也将担任这部电影的联合执行制片人。

Brian Tetsuro Ivie, who runs Curry and Peyton’s growing documentary division, first met Proudfoot at USC and brought the film to Curry’s attention. Ivie will also serve as a co-executive producer of the film.

这部电影的其他执行制片人——在 2021 年翠贝卡电影节上首映,获得了最佳纪录片短片评论家选择奖,目前正在《纽约时报》的网站和 YouTube 频道上播放的是迈克·帕里斯、唐尼·威尔逊、简·所罗门、亚当·埃里克和普鲁富特。

The other executive producers of the film — which premiered at the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, won the best documentary short Critics Choice Award and is currently streaming on the New York Times’ website and YouTube channel — are Mike Parris, Donnie F. Wilson, Jane Solomon, Adam Ellick and Proudfoot.

2020 年短片《一首协奏曲是一场对话》的奥斯卡提名者和艾美奖得主普鲁富特周一出席了奥斯卡提名者午餐会,他说:“从一开始,我们对这位“篮球皇后”的希望就是拉近关于哈里斯女士的重要性以及有多少人知道她名字的间距——这样做会引起大家对比赛中现有不平等的关注。 哈里斯女士轻声细语的证词现在被由两位有史以来最具统治力和最受尊敬的篮球运动员而回应并且大力传播,这是由他们领导的名副其实的运动。 我非常感谢能与斯蒂芬、埃里克、布莱恩还有“Unanimous”团队合作,在未来几个月将露西的故事带给更多的观众。”

Proudfoot, an Oscar nominee and Emmy winner for the 2020 short film A Concerto Is a Conversation, who attended the Oscar Nominees Luncheon on Monday, said: “From the beginning, our hope for The Queen of Basketball was to help close the gap between Ms. Harris’ significance and how many people know her name — and in so doing draw everyone’s attention to the existing inequities in the game. Ms. Harris’ soft-spoken testimony has echoed and amplified to what is now a veritable movement led by two of the most dominant and well-respected basketball players of all time. I am so grateful to partner with Stephen, Erick, Brian and the Unanimous team to bring Lucy’s story to an even wider audience in the months ahead.”

哈里斯女士的幸存者补充说:“卢西亚·哈里斯-斯图尔特的家人要感谢斯蒂芬·库里加入《篮球女王》担任执行制片人。 我们知道我们的妈妈会对他的加入感到非常高兴,因为她喜欢看斯蒂芬“关灯以后”。我们感谢斯蒂芬相信这个项目并帮助确保她的故事永远不会被遗忘。 女王万岁。”

Ms. Harris’s survivors added: “The family of Lusia Harris-Stewart would like to thank Steph Curry for joining The Queen of Basketball as an executive producer. We know our mom would have been overjoyed with his addition as she loved to watch Steph ‘shoot the lights out of that ball.’ We are grateful to Steph for believing in the project and helping to ensure her story is never forgotten. Long live the Queen.”

