AASLD 2019|吉林大学第一医院牛俊奇、高沿航教授团队共7篇摘要被录取

即将在美国波士顿举行的2019年美国肝病学会年会(AASLD 2019)共收到全球范围内3331篇摘

即将在美国波士顿举行的2019年美国肝病学会年会(AASLD 2019)共收到全球范围内3331篇摘要投稿,创下历史新高。吉林大学第一医院历来重视在AALSD会议上展示自身科研成果,曾在2015年最多被录取摘要14篇。

2019年,吉林大学第一医院牛俊奇、高沿航教授等团队共有7篇摘要被AASLD录取。其中,与明尼苏达大学宋贵生教授合作的2篇研究的结果被选为口头发言。高沿航教授的2篇摘要中, 有1篇被选为 TOP 10% Poster。


1. Efficient silencing of hepatitis B virus S gene through crispr-mediated base editing.

2. A non-coding variant within YY1 promotes the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in latinos by modulating microRNA-193a-5p-YY1-microRNA-23b/27b/24-insr axis.

3. Pan-genotypic regimen of coblopasvir plus sofosbuvir for treatment of chronic hepatitis C in China: A single-arm, open-label, phase 3 trial.

4. Epidemiology, risk factors of clonorchis sinensis infections in northeast in China.

5. Analysis of factors influencing the efficacy and safety of GLS4 treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B.

6. Tolerability, safety, and pharmacokinetics of the novel pde inhibitor ZSP1601 in healthy subjects: A double-blind, placebo-controlled first-in-human single-dose, multiple-dose escalation and food effect study.

7. Safety, tolerability and efficacy of MB07133, a liver-targeted prodrug of aracmp, in patients with primary liver cancer.
