

For nearly 40 years, Vancouver Film School (VFS) has built up a reputation as one of the world leaders in education for Media & Entertainment based programs. With programs ranging from Film Production, Animation, Game Design, Acting, Writing, Sound Design, Makeup, VRAR, and Motion Design, VFS has helped thousands of Creatives get the training and experience they require to break into rapidly growing, worldwide industries of Film, Television & Video Games. As a matter of fact, VFS grads are working at all major Media/Entertainment studios (Disney, Industrial Light & Magic, Sony, Pixar) have accumulated over 40,000 credits in industry as well as 860 Credits on Oscar nominated films, 2,195 credits on Emmy nominated shows and 677 credits on Game Awards nominated Games all in the last 5 years.

近40年来,温哥华电影学院(VFS)凭借其卓越的媒体与影视娱乐的学历教育及培训课程的设置,在全球范围内树立了行业领军的地位。从电影制作、动画、游戏设计、表演、编剧、音效设计、化妆、VR/AR技术到武打动作设计,VFS 已帮助成千上万的创意人才获得专业知识和经验,得以迅速地跻身进全球的电影、电视和视频游戏等行业。

一个有目共睹的事实:在过去 5 年中,VFS 的学生毕业后,顺利的进入了几乎所有主要的媒体/娱乐工作室(迪士尼、工业光魔、索尼、皮克斯)工作,更值得一提的还有:在行业中累计获得超过 40,000 项荣誉,其中:

奥斯卡提名影片中获得 860 项荣誉;

艾美奖提名节目中获得 2,195 项荣誉,

游戏大奖提名游戏中获得 677 项荣誉。

It’s no wonder that VFS is recognized by many in industry as well as leading publications (including Variety Magazine, Hollywood Reporter, Unity Student Game Awards, Princeton Review) as one of the top schools in the world to learn about how to best get your start and be trained for a fulfilling career in the Media/Entertainment industry of your choice.

毫无疑问,温哥华电影学院(VFS)赢得了业内众多领袖级人物和权威杂志的广泛赞誉,(包括《综艺》杂志、《好莱坞报道者》、Unity 学生游戏奖、普林斯顿评论),公认为世界上顶尖的电影学院之一,因此是全球仰慕的影视学院的殿堂,也是您选择进入的媒体/影视行业中的最佳选择。

VFS’s training model is to immerse students in production and provide them with industry-like experiences in state-of-the-art facilities while using industry standard equipment. Some recent offerings and projects that students have worked on have include partners such as Sony, Microsoft, Tesla, GM Automobiles.


VFS is now offering a new 6-month long program focused on Media/Entertainment offerings that are paired with English learning offerings. This program will begin early January, 2025 and is aimed at students with English language levels of around 4.5 IELTS. Students will learn English Fundamentals while, at the same time, learn Film making (including related disciplines such as Acting) and work in a production training environment to get the hands-on training that is such an important part of the VFS training model. This incredible experience will help you to work on Creative projects and further explore and study to kickstart your Career.



