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《清明上河图》为北宋画家张择端创作的风俗画,是他仅存的传世精品,中国十大传世名画之一,属国宝级文物。 清明上河图宽24.8厘米、长528.7厘米,绢本设色。作品采用散点透视构图法,生动记录了中国十二世纪北宋都城汴京(又称东京,今河南开封)的城市面貌和当时社会各阶层人民的生活状况,是北宋全盛时期都城汴京繁荣的见证。


“Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” is a genre painting by Zhang Zeduan, an artist in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). It is the only existing masterpiece from Zhang, as well as one of the top ten best known paintings in China, a national treasure level cultural relic. The artwork is 24.8cm in width by 528.7cm in length, rendered in ink and colored on silk. The work adopts the method of scattered perspective mapping to vividly depict urban class disparities in Bianjing (also known as Dongjing, now Kaifeng, Henan province, the capital of Northern Song Dynasty) in 12th century China. The painting serves as witness for the prosperity of the Bianjing during the heyday of the Northern Song Dynasty.




“Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” is not only a nationally treasured painting in the style of realism, but also provides us with a first-hand perspective on the Northern Song Dynasty — its business, handicraft, folk-customs, architecture, and transportation, symbolizing the important value of historical literature. Its ideological connotations, unique aesthetic and realistic expression have made this classic artwork renowned in China, as well as the world.




“Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 3.0”, jointly created by Phoenix TV and Palace Museum, uses modern technology to create a multi-level immersive space that integrates 8K ultra digital interactive technology and 4D dynamic images. This kind of experience serves to break the temporal barrier between the audience and the cultural relics. Phoenix TV has mobilized its connections in the field of humanities and art, cooperating with a number of artists to allow the audience to experience life in the Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty from a first-person perspective. Become a figure in the long scroll, cross the Bianhe River, and awaken the cultural memory in the gentle and elegant rhyme of the Song Dynasty.
