凤凰网北美频道讯 近期,秦陵博物院公布了秦陵K9901陪葬坑出土的4号和28号百戏俑的最新研究成果,首次深度揭秘秦陵百戏俑的考古发掘与保护研究,经媒体报道后,引起广泛关注,网友纷纷留言希望能够亲眼看到这两件姿态独特、彩绘精美的百戏俑。
Source: Ifeng North American website (na.ifeng.com)
Recently, the Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum announced the latest research results of the No. 4 and No. 28 Baixi figurines unearthed in the burial pit of K9901. For the first time, the archaeological excavation and protection research of the Qinling Baixi figurines was revealed in depth. After being reported by the media, it has drawn widespread attention. People left messages hoping to physically visit the museum and see these two unique and beautifully painted figurines.
In order to meet the needs of the people and to better display the Baixi figurines unearthed. The Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum has launched a special exhibition of the No.4 and No.28 Baixi figurines to let visitors enjoy the two renowned figurines up close. The exhibition will be open from July 24 to August 24. Come and enjoy!