
征集 | 这正是数字艺术需要提出更富有想象力解决方案的时刻,2022亚洲数字艺术展全球作品征集启动




A digital art event concentrating the works of global digital artists and pioneering the field of technological art, the Digital Art Show Asia (DASA) has achieved a broad international influence in the domain over three consecutive years. The DASA works of art integrate many functions, like technological innovation, digital art exhibition and industry promotion, onto a technological and cultural platform conducive to industry innovation and development. The curators intends the DASA to develop digital civilization and present the blueprint of the digital economy.


Since 2019, the DASA has attracted 120+ digital artists from 25 countries who have put on show 120+ works, including those by such masters as Shao Zhifei and Qiu Zhijie. Visitors have totaled 150,000 online and 150 million offline.


Curator Qiu Zhijie explicated a work of at the DASA 2021


The DASA 2021, combining invitational exhibition and work solicitation, was encouraging. Geographically, it attracted countless top-notch digital artists from the globe took part. By age, contributors ranged from well-accomplished old artists to acutely talented young people. A diversity of age groups took an active part. By composition, gifted participants came from numerous education backgrounds — not just fine art — assembled, shoulder to shoulder, welcoming the grandeur of digital civilization at the DASA.


The curators, artists and distinguished guests posed for a photo at the DASA 2021

《机器人天空》、《星球城市》、《首尔城市机器》Liam Young(澳大利亚)

The Sky of Robots, Star City, and Seoul as a Machine, Liam Young from Australia


Evolution, Bai Xiaomo


Entropy, Guo Yaoxian from China


Interaction between Qin and Human No. 1, Wei Bing from Hong Kong


The Twin and Sound, Lu Siyi from China


Contemporary Art Drives, She Luyun from China

《重返桃花源》黄钺 骆煜超 彭浩旻(中国)

Back to the Paradise of Peach Blossoms, Huang Yue, Luo Yuchao, and Peng Haomin from China




Beginning this day we solicit global contributions of excellent digital artworks to the DASA 2022. Upon receipt the works will be put through a process consisting of selection, appraisal, exhibition, prize presentation and prize money offering, for the purpose of developing more possibilities for digital artists.

1984 年,商人和亿万富翁慈善家艾德·巴斯(Ed Bass)和系统生态学家约翰·艾伦(John Allen)发起“生物圈2号”计划。这是一个位于亚利桑那州的占地3英亩多的高性能玻璃和钢框架建筑。这个生物圈内有海洋、草原、沙漠、雨林等生态环境。8位研究人员入住这个与地球的“生物圈1号”完全隔绝的环境,带入了种子、昆虫和牲畜,开展建筑、农业等活动,并设法维持生态平衡。实验在1991-1994年持续了两年后失败。随之在1994年3月到9月之间又进行了第二次实验,再次失败。失败的原因既是技术上的,也是心理上的。是“受限环境心理学”条件下人类之间的合作的失败。

In 1984, businessman and billionaire philanthropist Ed Bass and systems ecologist John Allen launched the Biosphere 2 project, housed in a structure built of high-performance glass and steel frame on an over three-acre plot in Arizona. Biosphere 2 housed multiple ecosystems, including the sea, the grassland, the desert and the rainforest. Eight researchers settled on the land completely isolated from Biosphere 1 of the earth, bringing with them seeds, insects and livestock and carrying out such activities as construction and agriculture while trying to maintain ecological balance. Initiated in 1991, the experiment failed roughly two years later in 1994, and this was followed by a second unsuccessful experiment between March and September 1994. The reasons for the failures were both technical and psychological, including the inability of human beings to cooperate among themselves in an environmentally-constrained psychological context.

生物圈2号 Biosphere 2


Economist Kenneth Ewart Boulding regarded material, energy and the information system as three basic categories of input/output in an open or closed system, with the information system being the most important of all. Although it was not possible for Boulding to fully anticipate in 1966 the tremendous innovations the digital revolutions — the Internet, cloud technology, the blockchain, machine learning and AI — would bring to the information system, there have indeed been great changes to our communications technology, penetrating the entire process of production, distribution and consumption of energy and material. 毫无疑问,今天的地球比以往任何时候都更加接近于“生物圈2号”这间实验室,无论是疫情还是战争、通讯与谈判、分裂与合作,都发生在这艘一边旋转一边航行在茫茫宇宙中的太空船内部。

There is no doubt that the earth today resembles the Biosphere 2 laboratory than ever before. Be it the COVID-19 pandemic, war, communications, negotiation, split or cooperation, everything occurs in this “spaceship” rotating and traveling in the vast universe.


“Spaceship Earth” is a metaphor for the community of common destiny for mankind. We can try experimenting with the circular economy conceived by Boulding and Fuller, or the political philosophy of global awareness put forth by Barbara Ward. We can just let the failure of Biosphere 2 repeat in Biosphere 1. Right now it’s high time for digital artists to come up with more imaginative solutions.


Therefore, we welcome global submission of:


1. technological artworks by (teams of) artists, including but not limited to media art, data art, AI art, interactive art, biological art, ecological art and/or new material art;


2. sci-fi works and artworks, including videos, publications and gadgets of a sci-fi nature, created by individual artists or content production teams of production companies, science museums and natural museums;


3. academic posters and visual demos of a scientific nature, including poster abstracts of scientific papers and accompanying visual demos, by teams from science institutes and faculty and students from technological institutions of higher education; and


4. children-created technological artworks and accompanying syllabuses, including syllabuses of the technological art courses prepared by preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, education research institutes and educational organizations as well as creations of students. There will be prizes.




The DASA 2022 involves global solicitation of digital artworks to compete for the Digital Art Asia Prize. Upon receipt, the works will be submitted to the appraisal of the jury with the creators’ names made secret. A work that wins out will have a place in the DASA 2022.



1. 每位参与者可提交不超过3件参选作品。

1. A Participant can submit at most three works.

2. 参选作品材料以PDF格式提交;影像文件可在PDF中内嵌url链接。参选作品材料必须包含参与者文字介绍(不超过300字)及作品图文介绍。

2. The work must be submitted in PDF format. If it is an image, a URL link can be provided in PDF file. A work must contain an at most 300-character introduction to the Participant as well as an explication of the work.

3. 报名及材料接收时间:北京时间2022年4月2日0点至5月31日24点。

3. The Participant must enter for the competition and submit the work between April 2, 2022, 0:00 CST to May 31, 2022, 24:00 CST.

4. 请以电子邮件的形式将作品电子材料发送至邮箱:info@miceht.com,名称按照“姓名+作品名称”规范提交。

4. Please e-mail your work in electronic format to info@miceht.com. Use the filename “participant name + work name”.

5. 报名及材料接收截止后,不得进行作品电子材料的修改。

5. No moderation to or resubmission of the electronic work is effective after the deadline.

6. 活动不收取报名费。

6. No fee is charged for submission.

7. 所有参与者必须严格遵守中华人民共和国法律。所有参与者必须保证参选作品不会触及政治、宗教、民族独立、战争等敏感内容,保证参选作品不含有任何暴力、色情、恐怖、极端势力等禁忌内容。所有参与者必须保证对参选作品拥有排他性且完整著作权,保证参选作品未涉及任何诉讼,未侵犯他人任何合法权益,包括但不限于肖像权、姓名权、名称权、著作权、商标权等合法权益。

7. All the Participants must abide strictly by the Chinese laws and ensure the works contain no politically and religiously sensitive information or taboo implications, including but not limited to racial independence, war, violence, pornography, terrorism and extremism. All the works must have exclusive and complete copyrights and none must involve any suit or third-party legal interest, including but not limited to the portrait rights, personality rights, personal name rights, copyrights and trademark rights.

8. 参选作品获奖后,参与者应以文件、照片等形式免费提供展览主办方与参选作品相关的信息,展览主办方有权将参选作品用于展览出版、宣传等用途。

8. The Winner must provide, free of charge, the information on the Organizer and the prizewinning work in file or photo format. The Organizer may use such information for shows, publication or publicity purposes.

9. 咨询:微信公众号“亚洲数字艺术展”后台留言,或发送邮件至info@miceht.com。

9. To know more, please leave a message through our WeChat (“DASA”) or e-mail to info@miceht.com.



1. 原创性声明

1. Declaration of Originality


By submitting the work a Participant agrees to the following implied terms:


1.1 A Participant shall comply strictly with the Chinese laws and legislation by ensuring the originality of and exclusive complete rights to the work.


1.2 No work shall involve any suit, nor involve any violation of any third-party legal rights, including but limited to any portrait rights, personality rights, personal name rights, copyrights, trademark rights and similar legal rights.


1.3 If a Participant violates either of the above conditions, the Organizer may immediately disqualify him or her from participation and revoke any prize or rights. Any consequent suit, legal liability and property loss shall be borne solely by the Participant and the Organizer is not responsible for any liability for any such consequence.

2. 免责声明

2. Disclaimer


In view of the fact that any computer virus, hacking attempt, manipulated interference, unforeseen incident or any other happening can be serious threats to the management, security, appraisal and fairness of the pre-DASA process, the Organizer may, as deemed appropriate, put off or cancel all or part of the solicitation effort unilaterally. In case any work submitted by a Participant supposedly constitutes any violation of any copyrighted design, image and work layout during the public show, the Organizer is not responsible for any liability arising thereof and only offers assistance in rights protection.

3. 参选作品知识产权归属

3. Copyright Matters


The Participant guarantees complete copyrights of the work. Within 10 days from the conclusion of the appraisal to the beginning of the Show, a Winner shall enter into a copyright license agreement with the Organizer, providing the latter with a three-year license covering such rights as the public exhibition right, publication right, information network transmission right, compilation right, performance right, broadcasting right, copyright, etc. A Participant who refuses to provide such rights by the deadline is deemed to automatically give up the qualification for the DASA and the prize.

4. 展览主办方权利

4. The Organizer’s Rights


4.1 Upon getting a place in the DASA or being informed of a win and a prize, a Participant shall be deemed to have explicitly provided the Organizer with the right to use the work for any DASA-related exhibition, public interest-intended distribution and publication without paying extra.


4.2 In order to encourage young artists to create and participate and provide participants with exhibition opportunities, the Organizer and the winning Participant agree that by receiving the notice of a win or a prize, the Participant shall be deemed to have explicitly permitted the Organizer to recommend the work to a Chinese, foreign or jointly-run entity for a place in any appraisal or show. Any honor, if won, belongs to the Participant. The Participant can clearly specify whether he or she chooses such a recommendation.


4.3 A work deemed by the Organizer to have violated the relevant laws, legislation and rules or is not relevant to the theme of the show shall be disqualified.


4.4 The Organizer does not rank the works or guarantee any prize or any entry into any exhibition or show.


NOTE: All the Participants who take part in the DASA 2020 shall be deemed to have accepted the above articles. The Organizer solely reserves the final right to interpret all the matters thereunder.
